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Everything posted by Ima_ddicted

  1. Hello everybody- it's me Gail I am trying to get some marbles around for the WVMCC show next month and it's a real head scratcher. I can't possibly cart them all in the Tiajuana taxi I'm driving so whatcha think? Handmades and Akros? Ravenswoods and Alleys? Peltiers and Vitros? I'm serious here. They are all so gorgeous it's giving me a headache. Are there still handmade collectors out there? I have some original boxed sets I need to sell and many more plus 10-12 solitaire boards w/ handmades. Thanks for any advice. I need it and appreciate it.
  2. Hey there Bo! Many happy returns of the day. Victor says he's going to kick your butt on the golf course next Vegas go-round. Sure was a good time. God bless you marble friend.
  3. I'll go dig mine out and scrutinize but it does look very similar to the one Sandy posted. Perhaps it was Sandy's marble that sold on Ebay? I gotta go sling hash and beer right now but for sure will get the mib out tomorrow. Thanks!
  4. hmmm- Steph, are you saying that the marble Patry bought (I found mine in the wild) is not a Peltier Pink Grapefruit? If not, what is it? Just another pretty Peltier? I regularly scour the auctions and I cannot recall ever seeing another for sale. This hobby is so complicated LOL Galen- your picture is fantastic!
  5. That is great! You are just too cool for your clothes Duffy -
  6. THANKS guys! They both sound great but I can only get away from my campground one weekend this season. I'll plan on attending the WVMCC show if you all will have me. Sometimes I don't know how to act in public but I'll give it my best effort Hey duffy- need another bag of Nestle's catseyes? Sure had fun at the New Philly show that year. Maybe the ice mine guy will be there too. He was a hoot and had great marbles!
  7. Hi Zaboo! I believe it was 4 or 5 years ago. I had one in my collection but never knew what it was until you sold yours. BTW- your pics are ALWAYS so great! Wish you'd compile them in a book. Thanks!
  8. I did a search for the Pink Grapefruit citrus marble but came up empty. I have only seen 2 - mine and the one Patry bought in an Ebay auction (I believe from Zaboo?) When Patry and I talked about them, we thought they were pretty scarce as we had never seen another offered. Does anyone else have one? Sorry- my camera is acting up and I don't have a pic on file.
  9. I already looked up the show date for the WVMCC. It came from the flyer fisherman Griff posted. ( Hey griff- you heard anything from Robert lately?) I can find no info for the Cairo Marble Festival. That's why I asked my question. Thanks for the reply. Anyone else know anything about the Cairo festival? Thanks!
  10. Hi all! The West Virginia Marble Festival in Cairo, WV is held on the first Saturday in May according to my marble book "Popular American Marbles". That would put it on May 1st. Is this correct? The WVMCC show is in Mineral Wells, WV on May 8th. If the dates are correct, I'll have to make a decision on which to attend as I can only get away for one weekend this year. Is one event better for selling? Better for buying? It is not my intent to cause any hard feelings or conflict between the people/parties involved in these events. I just need to plan on hiring someone to work for me, make some hotel reservations, etc. Thanks - Gail in NY
  11. Ebay has them anywhere from $8-$12 if I remember correctly. For the price it's a pretty good book. It has a fairly large section on Jabo which helped me with some unknown (to me) shoebox marbles. I think you will enjoy it Steph.
  12. In the book "Popular American Marbles" page 171 - "blackies have a black stripe around the equator. Anti-blackie stripes are another color". There are some nice pics of them. Does this help?
  13. Hey Steph- thanks for the link- it worked for me! Yeah those are what I thought were called 8 fingers. I've got a few but they came from a New Philly show years ago. Never found one in the wild. Also came across the Lucky 7's bought at the same show. They're gorgeous. I'm still sorting. I'll be done in 10 years or so LOL
  14. I've got a link to Alan's old site through WayBackMachine but it keeps saying "data retrieval failure". When I used to be a regular at Alan's old board (years ago), I printed off almost all of the info he had. However, through lots of bad luck, rotten men, sickness, and everything in between, the material came up missing. Thanks for the replys! Anyone have any more ideas?
  15. I'm using Firefox and the pop-up blocker is off. A box pops up but there is no pic. It's entirely white. I am stumped! Thanks for the reply
  16. I guess I shouldn't have waited 30 years to start sorting marbles. It's a big pain in the rear when ya don't know what you're doing. My ultimate goal is to sell them at a show or thru Ebay. The catseye collection will be staying with me forever however. LOL I have been trying to sort the Vitros esp. the tiger eyes and have searched past posts to get some idea of how to separate them into types, etc. Unfortunately, most pics here have been deleted or lost. I have really learned a lot from Steph's Study Hall articles. Thanks Steph! Another big thanks to Sissy for her wonderful Vitro thread a while back. Thanks Sissy! Again though, lots of info is gone from Sissy's posts. I was particularly interested in the Vitro 4 fingers and the Easter Eggs info. I have 8 marble books including the Vitro book but I find books more confusing than helpful for some reason. Anyways, I have sorted out the Parrots - knew what I was doing there cause of their size - but sit here staring at the 3 and 4 color (not counting white or clear) smaller marbles. Should I sort out the most colorful to go in my marble boxes or ?? TIA
  17. Hello- I cannot enlarge the pics for some reason. Do I need to download a program or something to enlarge the clickable images? Thanks!
  18. Thank-you marbleman for your reply and for posting the link. I really appreciate it. Yeah, the catseyes only saving grace is the color and niceness of the glass. They are just too nice to toss and all of the kids in town have tons of my marbles already. LOL I hope any interested watchers of the Vitro auction understand that the bag is not perfect. I do have other old marble bags. Should I include a better one in the auction? The marbles shown are the ones that came with that bag though. Thanks again!
  19. Hello everyone! I have collected marbles for 30+ years and need to downsize. I had never listed any marbles on Ebay until tonight. I listed 2 marble lots and I am a nervous wreck. Could you please take a look and critique them? I will be happy for any opinions - good or bad. I wanted to start out selling some that were not my favorites. That way I wouldn't be so disappointed if they fizzled. LOL Thanks for your time and sorry for not knowing how to post a clickable link. Gail in NY #260573309988 & #260573220723
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