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Everything posted by rockgardenplants

  1. My name is James and I'm very, very late to this party! Machine mades are my preference. I'm gaining a greater appreciation for Vitro multi-colored cats.
  2. It came to me years ago in a group that had marbles from every maker in any marble lot. I sure don't know what it is. Setting it aside is the best option, I think. Time (somehow) will tell.
  3. so, akroorka, what do you think of the pelt nlr, right side, left of the cow? it has a distinct yellow green opaque base. i've compared it to other pelt yellows and greens and it's definitely one of a kind (for me).
  4. The guy that they interviewed at 0:47... the title "marbologist" under his name is a so cool!!!
  5. These weren't necessarily 'found', but I set them aside and made a sweet deal with the antique shop owner.
  6. here's a dark cherry red one, backlit. it has some amazing black filaments.
  7. I'll need to sell these, as well. Ugh. 😒
  8. When backlit, the surface looks dark purple. A Purple Bumble Bee Peewee? The fourth photo is best...
  9. Dang! Usually forgetting to put the size. 19/32"+ It looks like an older marble with the oven brick (?) in the yellow ribbon. Pretty nice Jabo, I think! Thanks all!
  10. It was one of the darker red ones. I'll get into the details hopefully later today. Getting ready for an appraiser to see ig I can buy my Dad and Mom's home. Thanks!
  11. I found these in one of my Dad's marble stashes. I'm certain that the two tan marbles are Crows or close to it. The others have an Akro look about them. The cherry red shades are transparent (bad focus, but you get the point) to semi-transparent. The large red one (Upper-right) is translucent. The other colors vary from a bit translucent to opaque. Whatcha think?
  12. Before I could edit the title there was a bid on it. I'll relay this info to the winner. If they'd like a refund, they'll receive one. If it's a keeper for them, that's cool, too. I sure do love y'all for your help in so many of my marble matters! This place is the best! James
  13. It's solid opaque. No light passes through anywhere on the mib.
  14. Here's the title: "One Peltier Peewee GRASSHOPPER w Aventurine 15/32" & Wet Mint" I think that's fair.
  15. I thought you were always here on the forum... 😁
  16. I'd say Grasshopper, absolutely, at first glance. But, when backlit there is easily visible aventurine (last photo). Can it be a Blue Lagoon with no swirling? I'm listing it tonight and want am accurate name. Thanks!
  17. I'll be listing many of my best Pelts over the next few days. I might get one or two listed tonight... tomorrow is a better day. Sincerely, orange_orbital
  18. "they turned out to be rare masters" - gotta love those 1" Masters!
  19. Some of these opaque pastel-ish marbles of mine are some of the busiest marbles I have. They're beautiful.
  20. This is one of the best lessons I've ever had in marble identification: I was hired by an antique shop owner to sort a massive tub of marbles. I found a large pocket of gorgeous Master Marble Sunbursts in one part of the tub. My noodle was so into 'Master Marbles' that I didn't realize when that pocket slowly became older Akro Sparklers! πŸ˜³πŸ˜…
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