My husband was there. He knows/collects marbles by association and goes to tons of marble/general auctions with me. These are his on the internet did not 1:1 match what was sold, auctioneers were nice; generally well run sale, met nice people to chat with, he only recognized one "marble" person that we have run into before...she bought a lot and sells on Ebay, the marbles were not of the best quality (as compared to what we like to buy) and the prices were high. He did write down many of the prices (until closer to the end when our son showed up....he stopped tracking prices) so if anyone wants to know what a particular item sold for, I "might" have it. The items he "wanted" to buy for me were not clean enough and/or were too expensive...Oh, and there was no catered food/food PIE! A must at the his book!