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Everything posted by aleecee

  1. Hi Dennis! Missing your doggie icon!!! Alyce
  2. As always Bob...great looking photo! Frederick Sale coming up on the 28th.....hope to see you there!
  3. Mark DID write the price on this one down....800. I think the Ebay listing has an extra zero.
  4. Welcome Coco...post some pix!
  5. Guess hubby needs to be more vigilant!
  6. I was surprised at how little the marble jewelry went for....the silver and marble items went for 25-125. Some of those pieces looked cool from the pix, and very personal. Guess they had to appeal to a certain person.
  7. Mark thinks the trophy went for about 85$. He does not recall what the gumball machine went for...doesn't even recall seeing it! He printed the order of sale list off the internet the day before the sale. He noticed that every half dozen or so items, there was a number missing. During the actual sale, they would "throw" in something in this slot. The trophy and many other items were not even on his sheet, and this is what he used to track prices...that is why he does not have every item.....sorry!
  8. I will check when I get home from work....
  9. My husband was there. He knows/collects marbles by association and goes to tons of marble/general auctions with me. These are his impressions...info on the internet did not 1:1 match what was sold, auctioneers were nice; generally well run sale, met nice people to chat with, he only recognized one "marble" person that we have run into before...she bought a lot and sells on Ebay, the marbles were not of the best quality (as compared to what we like to buy) and the prices were high. He did write down many of the prices (until closer to the end when our son showed up....he stopped tracking prices) so if anyone wants to know what a particular item sold for, I "might" have it. The items he "wanted" to buy for me were not clean enough and/or were too expensive...Oh, and there was no catered food/food truck...no PIE! A must at the auction...in his book!
  10. My husband Mark took a road trip to MI with our son and his gf to see a Red Wings game...son is a fan and has done this before. I was stuck at a conference all day for work and have a church obligation tomorrow, so I could not go...road trip would have been fun; nice break from this rotten winter! Mid conference...I am getting marble pix texted to me....turns out...hubby WENT to this auction to buy me some surprises!!! I am surprised for sure! Bill, he said a very large clambroth sold for 1,200. He has been reading my American Machine Made Marbles book...guess he's been studying in anticipation of this sale. As soon as I got home, I checked out the pix...told him NOT to tell me what he got, so I will be surprised tomorrow nite when he comes home...what a great hubby! Good thing for me he likes marbles and loves me. John, were you there? Did you spy Mark?
  11. Japanese pincer; also called Wales marbles
  12. Pic 1 reminds me of a Pelt rainbo...
  13. You might be right Steph...red ring noted!
  14. Welcome....Lots to see and learn!
  15. My car thermometer said "5" when I went to work today..UGH!
  16. Red, olive and gold with just enough drizzle to make it sing
  17. Very separate colors...looks more like 2 different tones of orange rather than red. Think the base is still white, but hard to tell bec the colors cover it so well..inside the blow out is white No, where the colors start to narrow, the black/AV is blending with the white Other than the as made blow out, the marble only has 2-3 pinpricks.... Was told this was an "orange rebel zebra hybrid" by another marble collector...crazy!
  18. aleecee

    Id Help

    sorry..often forget the sizes..not quite 19/32nds
  19. aleecee

    Id Help

    These look black but backlight a deep cherry red/purple...Not terribly attractive but interesting for sure..ideas?
  20. This mib was in the auction lot I just got...looks like a golden rebel/zebra hybrid...lots of AV...any insight?
  21. Forgot these puppies....Sara, I use paint-think it's a microsoft program. I must say that my hubby bought me a new and very nice camera..that may be what you are responding to.
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