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Everything posted by aleecee

  1. I will take lots 7 and 8 as well....message sent
  2. I will take lot 12...please clarify: lot 12 is 50 for both in that lot or 50 each? I am so excited I am not thinking well..thanks so much for making these available to us!!!
  3. Corn on the cob...so sweet..butter, salt and lots of pepper w a side of dental floss.
  4. aleecee


    Looks new..where are the seams? More pix please
  5. Welcome Tracye.....enjoy the marble nuts here!
  6. I think you really only need 1 more...to keep it as a "game", you need a hole for jumping!
  7. aleecee

    Today's Find

    We have one too...design is different. Will post a pix tomorrow....picked it up for a song; thought it was some kind of wood resin or plastic as well. Attractive for sure!
  8. Picked up this cute pale blue Alley bird at a sale...2 bucks. Had to wait quite some time, but it was a beautiful and cool day under a shady tree. Hubby got to buy tools and I got some reading done. Compared it a few others I had that I now think are LE Smith. These guys are super cute!
  9. Hey...good place to share and learn.
  10. Keeper cats from a recent auction...love the St Mary's!
  11. The Strain and True Detective
  12. I just spent 3 weeks in Canada..hit many many antique shops in 3 provinces..not a Japanese transitional or mushroom marble to be seen...not much of any marbles to be seen 😭
  13. Hey Rick Brown....think I know you from FB! (Alyce Tomiko-Schoenagel). Welcome to MC!
  14. I think the last one is a Vitro tri lite....just my 2 cents!
  15. It has an older feel to me too...I'll take it to Sistersville and pass it around!
  16. The glass is syrupy and a bit seedy...any ideas what it is?
  17. Also at a recent auction...21/32nds. Posted it on FB-not much feedback; 1 reply for Jabo. It has a heavy white coating, with other colors stuck underneath-very layered looking
  18. Found this marble at a recent auction...it is 23/3nds. Thought it was a slag-has a small cut line and tail. Slag/transitional?
  19. Sorry for your loss....I still tear up when I think of my 2.
  20. Sorry these pix are so small....not sure you can really see a big difference. I find when I enlarge a pix I take, then resize it to fit...it comes out very small. The group shot was not enlarged by my camera-that's why it is bigger. Anyway, you get the idea!
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