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Everything posted by aleecee

  1. 37 and light rain now....freezing rain when I went into work this am..not fun
  2. Hey Friend.....Always nice to have you around!
  3. Lovely photo Bob, as usual! Thanks for sharing.
  4. I bought the large clear mica, the buffed red mica and the Leighton transitional. Not a tremendous amount of marbles overall and as Wade said, not a ton of high end items. I tend to buy what I like and this time around, tried to buy things I don't see often. We don't live too far away and always enjoy going...talking to other marble folks face to face is great!
  5. Hi Cheese..you are a knowledgeable guy! The more the merrier! Alyce
  6. Sorry to hear about your loss...sounds like you were a good and understanding friend. Mental illness is difficult to be be around/understand and it takes a lot of strength to remain a good friend.
  7. Welcome Dan...post some more of your finds!
  8. Ron, that box of sparklers kills me..it's so WOW!!!
  9. I'm with you Dave..think you're right on!
  10. Hubby and I will likely be there too..it's close! Last year, we planned to meet up with Skyler (Sky collect); what a nice guy. Lost him too Ohio . Also met Wade Pauley and his family and a few really nice vendors. It's small but that just gives you a chance to really mingle!
  11. I was at Morphy this past weekend. My opinion: not as many lots as they usually have and what was good, was really, really good and the rest...was nice but did not blow me away. The blue mica is fantastic in hand!! The CAC submarine was gorgeous!! I did not get my hard catalog yet, so checked out the on-line catalog prior to going up there; what I find is that what I like on paper/online does not always turn out to be what grabs me in person, and visa versa. I am geographically blessed!!
  12. Me likey too! No trouble opening the pix
  13. Does the cat come with the mibs.... :huh: ??
  14. And this is one of the more normal things we saw in New Orleans....couldn't decide if the cat liked this stance or was imprisoned by the hat!
  15. Thanks...always so much chatter about the difference in "moons". This box makes it quite clear what the CAC moons look like.
  16. Lovely photo. Nothing better than falling asleep to the sound of the rain, I say!!!
  17. Shot glasses, salts, eye wash cups, frogs, compotes, depression glass coasters, all manner of small shallow glass dishes. One of my favs is this piece of amber Viking glass...got it for a buck! The pee wees (some are a little bigger and of course the one in the middle is just bec the middle deserves a bigger marble!) sit in the frog on top, with extras stored below..
  18. Never heard of a Prima Agate..what is it?
  19. we stayed 15 min away in New Martinsville at a B&B. There are several motels in that area, but the Trip Advisor reviews will make you head for a tent in the woods as a better option! The one place that gets pretty good reviews is ALWAYS FULL. No matter when I called (some of these places do no do online reservations). There is also a speedboat regatta in New Martinsville the same weekend so that eats up some of the rooms. We "looked" at the Wells last year, and did not even find the lobby clean enough to want to stay there. We spoke with folks this year who stayed there, and they did not have sig complaints overall. Last year we were in Sardis Ohio at a B&B across the river; pretty close overall, but still involves driving and a ferry ride! I am guessing the new hotel in New Martinsville will be a saving grace...unless all the oil workers eat up all the rooms. That does not help your situation Sissy!
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