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Everything posted by aleecee

  1. Leroy is certainly not dead as he just polished these for us. First time we polished anything; they look great...we can really enjoy them now. We do not care if they are the dreaded "polished marble". Other ways I try to see if a marble is polished...it is more oblong than round, bec the middle has been polished down in an attempt to leave the pontil intact, if any damage is noted, are the ends rounded vs sharp..looks like a little 1/2 moon, check the pontil carefully..when someone tries to recreate an old pontil, it does not tuen out very well in my opinion.....oh, and I smell them-very strange I know but I was "told" that they can smell like oil-guess some folks use this in the repair process. You can pick me out in a crowd...I am the one sniffing the marbles!
  2. Hi Mike...I know you from FB (Alyce Tomiko Schoenagel). You have never been anything but nice there..... Marble collectors are for the most part wonderful and compassionate folks. Here's hoping to a clean-slate-re-do!
  3. Sorry to hear this...we lost our 2 cats w/i a year and it was really rough. Still kinda is...
  4. Thinking foreign too...Imperial perhaps? They can put out some pretty marbles...
  5. aleecee


    Creamed spinach from Boston Market....yum
  6. Hi Josh....welcome aboard. I know Josh from AAM and he IS the go-to Jabo expert...you got a Jabo and he can tell u the run/yr etc...he is a great addition to MC
  7. aleecee


    Sorry for the multi post...my computer jumped at the lightening strike outside my window!
  8. aleecee


    Cilantro tastes like dirt smells...yuck
  9. aleecee


    Cilantro tastes like dirt smells...yuck
  10. Those colors really pop on that dark wood...nice!
  11. Hi Bert...one of the coolest marbles I have seen in a long time. It will be in great company in Kevin's collection!
  12. Sounds like it was a great show....have to wait till I retire to make that one!
  13. Wonderful job! What a treat for the eyes...
  14. One more...If I am tiring of these alliterations...I can only imagine Rampant and Ravishing Realers
  15. An Accumulation of Absorbing Ades
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