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Everything posted by aleecee

  1. Here are some more of the auction finds...for your viewing pleasure!!
  2. Thanks Winnie...I have said before; I am geographically blessed; auctions abound....
  3. NIce story....thanks for posting it. Keep the pix comin'!
  4. Wow Randy...great looking shelf; not to mention the contents. You and your son juat made a great memory!
  5. Congrats Dave...the are really nice; beautiful colors too.
  6. These are just ones I really like. The one that looks like a rebel is a rebel/liberty hybrid with dark blue av...this one might be HTF.
  7. That is an awesome picture Bob......really cool and unusual; avant garde! Thanks for sharing.
  8. Welcome Trista...lots to see and learn! Enjoy
  9. When I go to an auciton, it is hubby and I-that's our day out together. I have run into fellow mibbers on occasion. These are folks that are considered friends in the hobby. If we can "share" something we are both interested in and be happy-that's the way to go. It does not always work that way-in that case we have left it at-bid what you think it's worth "to you", with no ill feelings afterward; at least on my part. If someone id's something I missed-I would never go after it-just not the right thing to so. A relationship is worth more to me than a marble. I am fortunate that this is my hobby and joy; not my livelihood. I have "shared" with 2 forum members (Griff and Bill) and it all seemed to work out well (unless they are throwing darts at my picture as we speak!). As far as how ethical a practice this is...I don't know. If a consignor is worried that "sharing" will bring down his commission, sell on line perhaps. An on site auction fosters conversation and friendships-lots of folks we run into (non marble people) over and over go for mainly this reason! At the end of the day-you have to live with yourself and your Maker...
  10. We try to go to auctions hunting for marbles (tools for the hubby) every weekend; of course pending what's out there. We get pretty lucky overall, but this auction was truly amazing. I have much more to go through and to photograph and share. I am "geographically" blessed in that there are tons of auctions w/i 1-2 hrs of where we live. No marble hunting this weekend...nothing out there and I am still loaded from last weekend!
  11. I think it is an abalone...told it is a dug Alley that develops an iridescent metallic look d/t chemical changes it undergoes while in the ground.
  12. Champion Furnace....mellow yellow! Big Chief Clay-by Dave Becker
  13. Great pix....can't wait to see more.
  14. A sorting we will go....Here are some of the swirls and a few that I really like from Saturday's magic auction!
  15. Happy to say that I ran into Mibstified at a local auction...we worked for it, but cleaned up BIG time! Spent all day (literally-from arrival at 7:30 am, 2 1/2 hrs of examining what was there, conferring, agreeing to "share", auction ended at about 2:30, we then hit the local diner to divide up the spoils...whew!), think Bill hit the road around 4 or so. Just a taste of what I got (Bill got more!). Will keep em comin' as I go...FYI-Bill is a heck of a great guy-blessed to have spent the day with him!
  16. I think this is an imperial too...
  17. Bottom marble far right, red white and blue could be something...need more pix. Marble at the bottom of the pix, looks red, white and black-Pelt rainbo. Glass is prob light blue or green if you back light it.
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