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cheese last won the day on January 1

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  1. Alley. Champion made very few shooters, maybe none this big.
  2. Yes to Alley. The book is by both Eddie Winningham and myself. Eddie is the one who spearheaded and funded this book, he and Kim both have put in a ton of money and effort (more than I have) in this book and it is our book that wouldn't even be happening if it weren't for Eddie and Kim.
  3. They do usually have bubbles. At least the dug ones. I don't know what JABO made so...
  4. I don't know what that one is.
  5. It's a Vitro Tri-Lite with oxblood. Not a superior. Very nice Vitro!
  6. The brown on some can be thin and transparent and the transparent yellows in the brown over the blue it gives the illusion of olive green. Maybe that's what the OP marble is doing?
  7. I have a video of the marbles jumping on the rollers and some sticking together but I don't think I can post it here. May try to post some videos on youtube one day when I have some time to figure it out.
  8. Brown tracer on my screen. A spring sky is different. Here's a spring sky:
  9. Alley Stormy Skies. Much harder to find than the Blue Skies. Pennsboro. Here's some cullet to match. Looks like a snickers bar stuck in there, doesn't it?
  10. The ingots fall into the grooves of the rollers as they are supposed to because the cutter is timed with the rollers by chain or gears depending on the machine, but when they are super hot and if the ingots are oversized and/or the rollers are grabby or slightly mis-aligned, they can jump and hop in the grooves a little and if one jumps next to another and they happen to touch at all, they stick together immediately with the gummy hot glass and get sucked into one groove or the other. Sometimes they flop around and grab up all the other ingots next to them and you get a messy glob of marbles that the operator will grab with the tongs and pull off. But sometimes the operator is lighting a cigarette or something and a few get by. I've witnessed this at Dave's.
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