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cheese last won the day on August 9

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  1. Yes to Heaton but not Rare. Not common but not rare.
  2. Good thinking duotone, but the Heatons don't glow. The white on very few Heatons will glow. I think almost every swirl maker used those colors. With the white glowing, it would lean more towards Ravenswood or Alox.
  3. I'd leave it in the RW pile I believe.
  4. The modern lapidary mineral spheres are not worth much. The older agates that you can see were done by hand with tiny facets and flat trails that can bee seen with close and careful inspection have value.
  5. Yeah neither are Jewels. Facebook is full of incorrect marble info. It's really hard to know what to listen to there.
  6. Very nice, and you are correct about them all being from the same maker. Nice to find a group of CACs like this. Generally when they come like this in an old dirty lot, they have come out of a box set and stayed together all this time. A collector with a box they are trying to fill would be ecstatic to have a chance at a group like this. Keep em together!
  7. Jewel is a Peltier name but this looks nothing like one. I would suspect the one you already have if it looks like this.
  8. Ravenswood. Something is bad wrong with your background removing program.
  9. Sure Art, there's nothing for me to back off of, I wasn't on the offense. I was just thrown off track by the comment and wondering what I was missing, knowing that Alan knows about batch glass and all. There was no confrontational attitude meant to be conveyed in my reply, just a genuine question. My reply isn't edited unless I came back to add the part about the translucent/opaque qualities right after I submitted my reply, and Alan's looks the same as when I first saw it too. I'm confused I guess, not sure what happened here. Whatever it was, I was just wondering what information Alan had because I had conflicting information. These forums are text only, and text can be read a lot of different ways. Hopefully everyone knows me enough by now to know that while I may be frank sometimes, I'm not one to jump in confrontationally.
  10. Who claims that vintage makers didn't use batch glass? While it could be oven brick, I have seen these with translucent speckles just like this, and oven brick would be totally opaque.
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