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cheese last won the day on January 1

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  1. That German is the only thing I see with any significant value but it also is questionable to me. I'd want close clear detailed photos, especially of the pontils.
  2. I'd put it with Champion. Alox is a possibility as well, as I've seen similar from them in packaging but they were known to buy from other makers quite a bit, probably more (percentage-wise) than any other swirl maker.
  3. cheese

    5/8 WVS

    What if we split the difference and say Heaton?
  4. Not an easy one to find. We have this one filed int he Ravenswood section of the book. Best we can tell anyway, this was a hard one to put a maker on but we all came to the same conclusion. The pattern sure fits. Good call Davesnothere.
  5. Agreed, Sistersville Alley. Nice when they get that ghostly purple wash over the red, a sure sign of Sistersville. As soon as we can get someone who can accurately print the book, it will be in production. The book is complete, we've had it printed by two printing companies and both produced dark photos. The photos on the digital copy are great, but the book photos are too dark. The website for purchasing a book is already up on the host but not visible publicly until we get a print that meets or exceeds (doubtful) our expectations. We put a lot, and I mean a LOT of hard work into this book and we're not letting it out with our names on it unless the quality is high. Here's a look at the cover and spine
  6. cheese

    3/4 WVS

    CAC is where I was going with that. JABO was in Reno.
  7. cheese

    3/4 WVS

    Meaning Cambridge.
  8. cheese

    3/4 WVS

    Looks like an Ohio swirl to me.
  9. I don't recall not liking any marble? This one looks Vitro to me.
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