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Everything posted by slagmarble

  1. Does the surface have an oily streaky appearance to the glass at the surface? It's most noticeable in photos 6 and 7...if so, dug Akro is a likely possibility
  2. It's not usual for orange slags to fluoresce slightly and occasionally aqua will do this too.
  3. Much better photos here wish I'd seen this before replying to your other thread...try backlighting to be sure on this one but the transparency looks good for green brick/oxblood slag
  4. This is an unusually easy one, most of the time it's really hard to get it perfect to where you can both see it with the naked eye and take a halfway decent photo but that's the color you're looking for
  5. Green bricks have an extremely dark olive to dark green transparent glass that can be hard to backlight due to interference with the opacity of the other base glasses (typically white). To the eye they appear black but if you can get a high power flashlight in just the right angle it's transparent. I really dislike the "(color) brick" terminology for this exact reason because it's needlessly confusing especially when dug Akro varieties get involved. Should really just be brick and oxblood slag of which yours appears to be a brick.
  6. First photo third from right would be the one that needs a closer look. This appears to be the same marble in the center in the last photo
  7. Mind posting some photos of the clear/white ones you have here? I see one top left in the bunch nearest the greens that might be something
  8. Once in a great while I run into tri-color or unusual transparent base glass (teal, lilac, lavender etc.). Don't recall ever seeing red/orange. If production was tightened up on these and they didn't generally look so sloppy I think there would be a much greater interest in broad collectibility
  9. Orange/black opaque, or, if it isn't opaque it works like a green brick where you have to hit some magical angle with a flashlight that I can't find
  10. I wouldn't have a problem calling this CA, it's a known color combo for hand gathered examples though I have to admit yours is a whole lot nicer than mine!
  11. Can you post additional photos of the marble that is green/orange(red?) To the right of the large brown slag pictured center? The pattern looks an awful lot like Christensen Agate which would make this one particularly interesting
  12. This is actually not their rarest color, they also made gray (backlights a very pale aqua color), teal, and a UV reactive green. Altogether the palette is similar to Christensen agate and a lot larger than what people normally think of in lucky boy boxes
  13. I'm not Chad but here are a few, hope this helps...red is there so nobody thinks I'm doing any funny business
  14. I have only seen one of these for sale in the last roughly 20 years and it was back when Alan Basinet was still alive and doing Running Rabbit. Someone could go dig up an old catalogue to find, it would have been mid 00's or thereabouts. That one I recall being around an inch and think of the extremely few that actually exist they all are...they are exceptionally rare marbles.
  15. Either hand gathered or it's a very convincing accident in my opinion
  16. Take picture 4, rotate 180 degrees either direction. What is directly opposite this side from the viewers perspective?
  17. Check for pin pontil around 1 o'clock second image, pattern here infolds, would be a very short straight line
  18. Aside from a website floating around out there (cogeco.ca?) detailing pontil comparison plus whatever is still here to scrounge up Roger Browse took what he knew to the grave. The only additional thing I have to offer is that big groupings of them supposedly came out of prospecting country to the west, some in Ontario and occasionally you'll find them in the US but just in drips. The slags get overlooked compared to their two-color opaque cousins because they aren't particularly flashy.
  19. Here is one in green, there are a few traits that lead me this direction
  20. This one also looks transitional to me but not in a base glass color that I recognize. Does it fluoresce?
  21. It's possible that this is an abnormally nice yasuda but I actually think this is a "Canadian" slag based off construction and colors.
  22. This does happen on pelt green slags from time to time but I have never seen it on any other baseglass color from them. Wouldn't say it's super rare either but unusual kind of like finding an oxblood blob in an aqua slag.
  23. From memory it just looked like a rod shaped chunk of raw guinea material...transparent base with frit specs melted into the surface just like the marbles. Wasn't huge, but it also wasn't just a blob of marbles all melted together.
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