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Everything posted by J_Ding

  1. It's a descriptive term, just as Ric said, and doesn't mean a thing, except that it looks like someone grabbed both seams and pulled them up.To me, the mib appears folded and the seams appear pulled. I'm not sure, but a collector either said it to me in conversation, ...or possibly, I did. Folded works just fine for me too. I've got a good folded Pelt somewhere...I'll look. FYI, not trying to tamper with tradition. To me, it's just the mib appears folded and seams appear pulled. john
  2. Thanks! Similar to what others called pulled seam then? Thanks so much for the clarification. It is on the list! Goodie...another in a parade of marble Everests! It is, among other things, what makes the hobby so great. The must have list, feels infinitely long! john
  3. Would this be an aquamilk with oxblood? If so, wouldn't it be an aquablood? I've searched around and really can't find a comparable...maybe I overlooked it. It came with another that I will dig out of image files sometime this weekend...and its ox has more convincing black and red variegated ox-like stripe, but it is in rougher condition. I'm really not trying to start a flamewar over true and not true oxblood either (lively debate happened here some time ago), just wanted to share and see what experience anyone might have with these. Also don't need a lesson, please, in the re-dox reaction that makes this, and the variation in the outcome depending a wide variety of parameters...or whether intentional or an accident. The glass did what the glass did...all intentions of manufacture aside. And I suppose too, it might not be an aquamilk either, but, since this is at least a tri-lite, maybe it would be a tri-ox. Who knows!? Just thought I'd share and see what you all think (also don't like the pictures...might have to do again). Thanks for your contribution. john
  4. Hmm. Dug this out of a search of earlier topics. Could you please tell me what a folded Master Sunburst is? I couldn't find other references to this. I don't know that marble, and I dig Masters, so I gotta know! Thanks! john
  5. Another, on a dark root beer base. I've found a few of these, but not many. Post one if you have one. john
  6. Wasn't sure if melted or not. Can't recall under the scope under high magnifcation, what I saw. Will check again. Really like the last grouping..all of them are stellar. The big ones in the back, especially one with pink, is very nice. In the bottom row, all are very distinctive..that contrasty yellow/black one is great. Guess the blue one could be called a blue blizzard. John (Edit: Cleaned up the language)
  7. That bit of purple in #510 is just terrific! john
  8. This, a good example of how more interesting Masters can riff on the same class of colors, as in this polychrome red wonder. John
  9. Ric, your post, #36 has this interesting seedy (unmelted), tea based Master on the last photo that is super unusual. I really dig the anomalous forms. I am posting the variant of the same darn thing on a powder blue base. I also have a smaller example, blue with seeds but without the patch (not photographed yet). I think this, and your mib, are very very scarce in my experience. This series of three are near shooters at 0.74"! What size is yours in #36?
  10. Thanks much Ric! Those seem scarce in my experience. Cheers! John
  11. I posted something I thought was CAC from another source. I removed the photos. Sorry.
  12. It's a swirl, why wouldn't I be confused? This, on a base glass that glows green under UV, and 0.66". What is this? John
  13. And one more: A Master style that are some of my favorites forms. Simple, with a single, mostly internal opaque patch, on a transparent base. I have found only a handful of these, some quite rough. I also have this is blue (only one) and vaseline (two) and white (one example). (Edit: Spruced up the language).
  14. And I take this one to be too. (caveat...if I am wrong I'm wrong....Masters can be tough!) john
  15. This one makes the grade, I would think. John
  16. Another outstanding example! A really, really terrific Master! John
  17. I have one that is a near, or very close match to the original post....only thing is, it hasn't been photographed or inventoried...its in the queue somewhere. I will endeavor to find it this weekend, photograph and post. An interesting form. John
  18. Do you recall the size on this one? I have smaller versions of this very mib. John
  19. I take this to be Cairo as well (if I am wrong, I'm wrong and I'll retract this post!) John
  20. Great Masters, Ric. That post alone proves the proposition that Master is under-rated. I'm crazy about those HTF Masters, and don't care if the market doesn't care. Heck, more for us! If you can get past the common stuff, and be patient for the exotic, there is tremendous greatness in those early Masters. Those are stellar, and so too are those pix. John
  21. J_Ding

    A Swirl

    Thank you. Just want to know how much of a keeper this one is...I guess, a good one. I have another example, not shown...might use this in a trade some time. john
  22. Great idea for this thread! I understand they go red to brown, nice examples Gary. This is one I found in the wild in a jar, and am somewhat certain (but not perfectly so) that it is a CAC bloodie. What do you all think? (Edit: Clarified language.) John
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