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Everything posted by J_Ding

  1. A near shooter at 0.73" and a UV screamer. Ideas?
  2. Oops...wrong place. Meant to go to a new post.
  3. Maybe someone formerly from the dairy state!
  4. J_Ding

    This Pelt?

    Those sure are fine! I have these yin yang types, and then also others that don't. I always wondered how to take these. So the untwisting are MCR's it seems.
  5. J_Ding

    This Pelt?

    Compared to this one. Maybe it's just a stranger one of these? John
  6. That's it! Akro meatball cork maybe. Yes, under the scope it looks horsehair/oxblood like filaments....a bit occluded by the rusty glass, so hard to tell.
  7. J_Ding

    This Pelt?

    I didn't think it sat well with my MCS's....not sure over here.
  8. This one, 0.69" looks like a folded Pelt to me...and yes, it's on the orange side of red. Thanks. John
  9. Picked up this weird, near shooter Akro cork in a jar of mostly unspectacular mibs just last week. I thought I'd share. John
  10. I don't see an Opal here on this Vitro thread. I hoard these too. This one is very busy, and very interesting. John (Edit to clarify the language... )
  11. A nice tri-lite. Not my best one, mind you...I'll hold back on that one for now. I like these; so diverse and so varied. John
  12. J_Ding

    A Swirl

    Thanks, Ann! Lots of views and no ideas yet....another for the keeper box!
  13. J_Ding

    A Swirl

    This one is 0.70" and distinctive, or at least it seems to me. Working on untangling some swirls...any help you can give is appreciated. John
  14. Well, we've got this down to two possibilities and some split opinions. I guess getting it down to two, when in comes to some swirls, is progress. Thanks for your thoughts. John
  15. So I ran down some peewees that fit the strict, and only, definition. Turns out I've photographed only one of them so far...not sure, but taking this one as Alley, at 0.49". John
  16. Well, copper for most lutz is how I understand it! Thanks! John
  17. Ok, I got it. I thought it a fair question as I have observed apparently, some misapplication of that term.
  18. Nice! I have a question about peewees...I use a digital calipers, so when I get 0.54", which is under 5/8, 9/16 and really around 17/32, would these also be peewees? Strictly speaking, by measurement, it would round down to 0.50". I see some conflicting data in regard to this. I have an oxblood around 0.52" and some corks around 0.54"...but they are tiny and are clearly much smaller than my smaller 5/8" mibs. I know they are not perfectly round either...so what is your opinions of the lower limit or range? Just wondering. John
  19. J_Ding


    Far out! I haven't seen one either. That one is OUTSTANDING! Mental note: Add to the list. John
  20. From here I wouldn't think it an Indian blanket...I'd say it's more unusual than that! Nice assortment. It looks like they need a bath. John
  21. Didn't know that lutz was goldstone...good to know!
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