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Everything posted by J_Ding

  1. Messed cork was way off for me too! Let's see what others say! John
  2. I like this marble, at 0.68". Is it a swirl? Is it folded? Are there seams? Is it a swirl? A messed cork? I don't know. The glass is giving me problems. Any help appreciated. Thanks! John
  3. Well, I was imaging this today...probably really ordinary to many, but I think otherwise. Polychrome browns like crazy! I like brown. Don't know why. Thought I'd add some content anyway. Cheers! John
  4. Be careful with those contents! I see some Pelt Angels (blue, red, and maybe green) in there! Yikes. And minty fresh! John
  5. Well, I'd agree with that too. I know what they mean, sure, but I think I'm allowed to not care for it.
  6. For now, I will make these two observations: 1) I have too many distinctive, and name-able forms of marbles already, and the list keeps growing the further I go down the marble rabbit hole; I keep finding far too many, and I never seem to find the bottom of all that there is, and never will: 2) and that the many named forms that stuck won their names through history, accuracy, and mostly straightforward natures and a little bit of random, dumb luck: there is no mistaking a Red Angel, or a Bloody Mary Tracer, or a Rebel etc., etc, and their names work. Their forms show limited variation, and thereby, the name designation works as a effective cultural artifact...everyone (educated enough about) knows what it is, and what people are talking about when a named marble is mentioned (or at least, when it works). Therein lies its power. This has been disastrously perverted, when the Superman of Pelt became a standard for other manufacturers of other types of marbles...as seen with superman colors. And the list goes on, but I can't stand the mention of them now! What a disaster! Those other supermen should be known by other names...they don't need to be equated with color palate only...that, likely, is the worst reason, colors alone, I can think of for the process of naming them. (Color and construction is needed!) Just some of my thinking on this. John
  7. Thanks Dave! Really helps and greatly appreciate the descriptive text and the pix. Now, can I run one of those down in mibbarium? John
  8. I have a small number that are candidate for green fizz, and I want to say that they are all fizzes, but I'm afraid to post 'em because I'm not sure I know what a green fizz would, or wouldn't be in the first place! Fine bubbles? Big bubbles? What kind of green? Which is why this issue is so prickly. I've seen them in pictures, but "in hand" I have no idea what these are. John
  9. J_Ding

    Pelt Patches

    Great stuff everyone! I can't keep up! I gotta image those yet!
  10. This one is 0.76" and a little dinged. Dark rust brown ribbons, with metal dashes that look like 'perforations' on a cream base. Thanks for you thoughts! John
  11. And this. Other side is boring...so I just turned it!
  12. I'm going to throw this out there...couldn't this be one of those, kinda wobbly, contemporary fakes rolling around? I would like to see the flow of colored ribbons less jittery, even for a one off. This, but I should point out, I have many Germans, but don't go after them and am not really focusing on them at this time. Just a guess.
  13. J_Ding

    This Swirl

    Thanks for the inpu!. Glad to see I wasn't imagining things. It is odd. I'm going to try for several more angles on this one.
  14. And.... ... you routinely dream, accurately I might add, about marble searches and conquests ... you can't sleep the night before an auction ... you try to photograph those scores of special mibs, and kinda succeed at it (still going) ... you think of money in simple terms: Mib Equivalents = (i.e., a full tank of gas could get me another Chrissie!) ... you wash them (this is probably not necessary to say, but...) ... you orient the bruised parts away from your eyes...and the corollary: you already know where they are flea'd And honestly, I do this, every day: I carry with me two marbles, each in a small cloth pouch, that I choose each morning to wonder about with me at work, and lunch. Some people at work know I do this, and request to see the 'mib of the day.' It's great fun, and I get more mileage and more enjoyment over having just two around to focus on. And to put a point on it, sometimes I pick them to match my mood (bloodies on bad busy days, blue ones on rainy, umber in fall, white during a snowstorm). Geez, I must be sick. I must be...an addict... John PS: Today was a Transparent Pelt Day...a transparent 7-Up (clear as a bell, is the base glass), and a transparent red and blue multi-colored rainbo.
  15. J_Ding

    This Swirl

    Yes, it's slightly UV reactive.
  16. At 0.57," what might this be? Thanks! John
  17. I really dig these Pelts with thick orange, this one, all twisted up. John
  18. Great Alleys. This helps with some IDs! Another:
  19. A+ That is super helpful to see all those together under one manufacturer! Outstanding!
  20. Nice. Back lighting sure can give better looks at other features.
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