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Everything posted by J_Ding

  1. Well, I work with them, and I was working with one like that! I have been working on a pictorial data page inventory of each of my better (to me) mibs for some time. I have three photographs of each one, their condition, diameters, identity if known and notes. Each marble has a designated number, that can then be indexed by type. I have developed a different storage technique too, making location of most the better ones a cinch (usually). I can put my hands on my mibs, often very directly and quickly. Crazy? Probably, but this makes the hobby more interactive to me, and causes me to "work with" and observe my marbles more critically. I've learned a lot this way...and it forces me to have to reference them frequently...keeping track of all those data and images takes a bit of time a lot of time. It really does wonders for learning these things, though. This is a process that I'll never reach the end of sure, but I do it anyway. I must be nuts! John
  2. This is a great idea Dave. Liking all these tributes. This American transitional was owned by Don Taylor, who passed earlier this year. John
  3. Really liking the one in #81 too. Outstanding!
  4. A good, strategic move, I think. Sometimes these moves must be made to add something one didn't even have. That is the first rule, the second is hoard what you like, and third, and keep the ones you want near the bottom of your pyramid!
  5. Wow, that is outstanding! Love the bubbly, translucent ones!
  6. Thank you. That was my understanding reading Cohill. (I'll go back and look, but I don't recall yellow mentioned either).
  7. Three? A sin! A sin! Glad you shared the wealth with another! Hope you wrangled something good in return.
  8. I have Cohill too, and I agree. I just can't get MFC from this marble, that's all. I hope to take some pictures of this one again, differently, to give a better sense of the glass and its general features. I wonder, did MFC make a more yellow than amber glass? I don't recall if Cohill mentions it. I also think that post #18 might have a point to consider: Not American. I appreciate seeing all the ideas on this mib. John
  9. Sometimes I'm sure, but this one I am not positive...I think it slipped through an initial sort of several really nice lots of hoarded, unsorted mibs. If it was what I think, there was a bit of everything in there: American transitionals, MFCs and other slags and nice corks and other goodies; very good diversity. But I've also found some nice jars recently, and it could have been found there too.
  10. Good eye! Really liked that drizzly bit, and the movement of the glass! Your example is terrific! Wow!
  11. Apologies, not trying to poke, trying to learn. I think that that color is more yellow-ish than amber...I guess the picture is not as bright yellow when back-lit with a flash (I'll try this later), and seems a little off from my experience. Experience is all that I have.
  12. Now working on this one--seen some action, but nice. A tri-color cork, kinda a 'liberty and cream' sort of a thing. Not proposing a name, just saying!
  13. In the related family, if not just uncorked this time. Rugged, I'd say.
  14. Working on more Pelts today, and another IPA and some mibs. My understanding is that this is a 'broken cork' and I like them a bunch. This one is perfectly corked all the way around and doesn't really miss, other than broken in places, as it, according to its name, does. This one proves the proposition that sometimes its not the marbles, but the mib! John
  15. I was just working with one of those blue corks yesterday, and my example is exactly as yours... glowing like crazy too!
  16. Ric, thanks for posting these. I have some too but not imaged yet. Incidentally, I was sorting some mibs yesterday and ran into another one of your #5! Which I think is one sharp mib! John
  17. Thanks everyone. I still see no evidence of one beneath the other, and but I'm not trying to make this one a single seam. I just want to understand. And I really, really don't see how this could be MFC...if it is, I don't have another with quite these glass characteristics in the least. John
  18. Well, I got it under my microscope, and I only see one seam. The actually seam is straight and shortish and arcing, and the turns up and down are cold rolls/folds..louping off the seam. The glass turns around the whole marble and meets neatly at the seam. If there were two, they are in the same place. Just what I'm seeing, for what its worth. Thanks! John
  19. Working with mib photographs and inventory today, and having an IPA. Anything better? Hardly! John
  20. I know. I can't get my fill of these it seems!
  21. Geez. Isn't it true? This one, while so ordinary, is so extraordinary. Just dripping with looks. Don't you think? I sure like those Masters. John
  22. 0.58." It matches some single seam early machines I've seen. Is this one of them? Akro or CAC? Or something else? Let's discuss. I like this one, despite being dinged, and not flashy in color. I don't require flashy in color (it's nice, but not required) John
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