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Everything posted by fentonacres

  1. Well... bear in mind that ALL of my marbles were inherited from my father/grandfather who grew up in / lived in West Virginia. Which is not to say all the marbles are West Virginia / Ohio in nature, but probably the majority are.
  2. Now that true winter has set in... I am going to try and actually spend some careful time I.D.ing some of my marbles. They will be posted in the I.D. section since I am rather clueless about all of this. Maybe I can get a better handle on what I have and then will start selling off some of my collection. Here is the first one that is also posted in the other section.
  3. I am starting to spend some time with real identification (thus the ID code for my use only) of individual marbles in anticipation of selling (once we are no longer in ice-ville and I can navigate the roads to the post office). Saw an earlier post calling something "snotty." I am using that here only because the creamy color is rather snotty looking... LOL. The marble itself is translucent with nice swirls of reddish and orange.
  4. THIS is the "pink" one I referred to earlier. But in my mind it is truly PINK, not peach.... ?
  5. I had a half hour to open my marble box and play a little today... one of my favorite color combos... (again, sorry for the crappy iphone pic). the details on this guy are rather pretty, even if it does have one chip.
  6. Sorry for the crappy iphone pics. My camera and marco lens are deep in a closet during a remodel.
  7. As close to "peach" as I think I have...
  8. Thanks. I guess the real "peach" is in the blending of the white and almost-orange.
  9. I was reading somewhere that Christensen was the only manufacturer to make a peach color and it is very rare. Does anyone have a good example of what the peach looks like... on a marble? I have orange and I have pink (light) but not sure what defines peach.
  10. Thanks for this post. I ordered the one that does fractions on Amazon Prime. Merry Christmas to me. And hopefully I can soon get my "sales system" up and read to start offering some of my collection for sale.
  11. Meh... shows so large. These are older pics and I don't have my macro lens out right now. Different view for you.
  12. Does this count? (I am a big rookie with regard to marble ID sorry).
  13. In another post someone asked, "where have all the good marbles gone?" or something similar. I'd like to think a few are alive and well and living in Oregon. Some of my personal favorites in my collection are....
  14. I haven't EVEN LOOKED at any of my marbles in probably a year... OR even their photographs... sometimes I feel the project of just IDing them and then offering them up is almost too daunting. I mean, this pic of what I called "greens" can be multiplied over and over with "reds," "blues," "oranges," every color. And it doesn't include the ones I separated out as the really cool ones... UGH. Basically, they all occupy a plastic storage bin... the kind you put your holiday decorations in... about 3/4 full.
  15. I left here last winter in the midst of record snowfall, a house move, a new (still insane) puppy acquisition, and house remodels. While I am not sure I have time NOW to linger on this site often or for very long, I did want to get back here in the hopes I can start off-loading some of my rather vast collection. Not even quite sure how yet but since marbles do have a unique audience... certainly better to cater to that market than donate to...um... any of the organizations who know nothing of them. Why do I even want to get rid of them? What benefit do they have sleeping in my closet? So anyway... here I am. Any of my old posts may have broken photo links as I don't have my photography business and therefore don't have my web hosting service anymore. But I do have files and will be working on more. And "back then" I am not sure we ever did resolve the mystery of these guys.
  16. Have done some traveling so haven't been on here for a while. Today was super nice so I took some damaged beauties outside and gathered a couple of the last leaves of autumn for some pics. Enjoy. http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-RQd9H9B/A http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-ZqtMj5g/A http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-kbXnCmC/A http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-4fWMbTZ/A http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-JDbmr6n/A http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-CwtCS6N/A http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-z2qzZWx/A http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-P7tbMx9/A http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-ZGpNrK3/A http://www.carolinefentonphotography.com/Albums/FENTON-MARBLES/i-vWcvhhM/A
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