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Everything posted by fentonacres

  1. I think I am almost at a point where I may just want to sell my entire collection. Not quite sure yet. But decided to re-establish my website gallery so, if I choose a dealer, they can at least see a SAMPLING of the entire collection. They are a variety of pics, taken at different times and with different methods and only meant as a reference, not a look into my photographic abilities. Enjoy. https://www.smugmug.com/gallery/n-wSKH3K/i-Mt7G6Jn
  2. I now know "translucent" is not Oxblood... so what about this? I took a light to this and while there does seem to be a thread of translucency in that "droplet" in the upper right, the flatter areas appear to be opaque. I am just trying to enjoy some of the details of some of my marbles. But kinda hurts my brain. LOL.
  3. Does this have an official color name? It isn't really yellow and it isn't really diluted split-pea-soup green.
  4. I don't have many of these type of marbles... so it is a little sad when one as fine as this has been broken. Still pretty tho.
  5. Spent a few minutes with my "brokens" this morning. This little number appeared black. But when I backlit it it appears a dark purple. Although it is chipped, the "mold' or the way it was made seems to have rings. I don't think I have seen that on any other marbles that I own.
  6. I can't tell you who this maker is (I know virtually nothing about my marbles) but here is a sweet litle thread... running diagonal upper left to lower right.
  7. Not really a special marble but one of my favs in my collection.
  8. This pretty little swirl is on the inside.
  9. Seems opaque to me so I used a light on it. Now I am not so sure but I can say the innerds are not clear.
  10. Well lots of bubbles actually... but one big one. From my bag of "amber types."
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