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Fire1981 last won the day on August 25

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About Fire1981

  • Birthday 12/11/1961

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    Hockey,Painting,Hunting,Birds and my Granddaughter

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  1. I think it’s Wispler🔥 RAR
  2. Those little white specks are called “touch marks” which is a Jabo trait. I think this one is a Classic 🔥 RAR
  3. Killer Jabo IMHO 🔥 RAR
  4. Thanks for the information. I need to look and see if I have any of the pink and purple ones 🔥 RAR
  5. I would need a comparison pic to take Master out of the line up on this one. Master Patches seem to be tighter and not as “sloppy” as this one.🔥 RAR🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿
  6. Fire1981

    Whisplers ?

    I’m just going to see how these pan out. I’m trying really hard to figure out the Master,Akro and Wispler Patch IDs for at least the last 6 plus years. Driving me NUTZ for sure 🔥 RAR
  7. LOL 🤪…….🔥 RAR
  8. I’m get Wispler vibes which probably means they’re Masters🤪. We’ll see what others think. They’re killer for sure🔥 RAR
  9. Thanks William. I new I had to have it as soon as I saw it🔥 RAR
  10. Crystal is another interest. The candle holder which is now a crystal ball holder is from a glass Artist from Trondheim Norway. I met her there when my Dad taught at Trondheim University for a year and visited them for Christmas and New Years 1984. LOL. -25 to -70 and 2 hours of “Dusk Light” I did see 1 and a half hours of Sunlight before I went home🔥 RAR
  11. Fire1981

    Vitro ?

    Yes. We’ll see what others think🔥 RAR
  12. Pic 6 and the one at 8:00 looks interesting. Nice color combo🔥 RAR
  13. Last one is the best on my Cats Eye shelf. Sometimes less is more. I like the Orange Peel on that one 🔥 RAR
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