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Fire1981 last won the day on February 20

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About Fire1981

  • Birthday 12/11/1961

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    Hockey,Painting,Hunting,Birds and my Granddaughter

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  1. I’m not familiar with Aguila’s. Can you provide some info on those 🔥 RAR
  2. Here’s a 1 and 1/8 Foreign Sparklers. I don’t have any that are 1 inch. So ? As Art says. Size does matter. I think this one is going to come down to size🔥 RAR
  3. Tricky Mib here. Art? What Vacor traits are showing up on this one? The ribbons are tighter on this one. Foreign Sparklers seem to have looser configurations in the ribbons and there’s more base glass base with in the ribbons. Cruder surface glass and a Matrix with bubbles….but not always 🔥 RAR
  4. Question: Are Akro Peewee’s harder to find then the 9/16th 🔥 RAR
  5. I’m so lucky to have 4 who give me a dozen of eggs in 3-5 days. Get a load of my Yooper Buddy’s 3 Yoker.🔥 RAR
  6. This one is NUTZ. I’m trying to wrap my head around what type of cane this would come off of. Here’s a crazy parallel. It looks like it was on a wood lathe. It reminds me of the a way the little Tooties Rolls were made. The only twists are on the ends and the pieces you would bite off are cut into separate pieces like the core on this one🔥 RAR🤪
  7. Could you post some backlit pics? I hope I’m wrong 🔥 RAR
  8. Fire1981


    Oh Heck Yeah ! Great pic🔥 RAR
  9. I just found the thread but that one had trace Oxblood. Aren’t they the same color combo 🔥 RAR
  10. I thought I just saw an Akro in a different thread like this one🔥 RAR
  11. What do you mean? The style and pattern? I’m just happy to know it’s a Davis 🔥 RAR
  12. I didn’t know there’s a Rick🔥 RAR
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