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Fire1981 last won the day on December 18

Fire1981 had the most liked content!


About Fire1981

  • Birthday 12/11/1961

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    Hockey,Painting,Hunting,Birds and my Granddaughter

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Grand Master

Grand Master (14/15)

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  1. I have a purple one. They’re pretty cool. Mine is going into my Granddaughter’s stocking. It’s the same size as your’s🔥 RAR
  2. Gotta luv the Single Ribbon Rainbos 🔥 RAR
  3. I’m not sure I know what do now🔥 RAR
  4. Funny you mentioned that Art. I have to be careful while driving the Zam and not drift into the Blue Galaxy and crash into the Boards. Not Forum Boards. Hockey Boards🔥 RAR
  5. Always Keepers in my collection. I can never get enough or have too many Agates.🔥 RAR
  6. I'm glad you guys can laugh about that one. Update on Merry Marble Buddy Christmas Bubby. I now have Soritallout. Did you get my PM🔥 RAR
  7. They are common WVS which a lot of Companys made. Hit them with UV and if they glow like a Lightening Bug, it's a little bonus🔥 RAR
  8. THANK YOU for confirming this. I get the not being on the Boards anymore. This is great news 🙏🔥 RAR
  9. IowaMarble ! When was the last time you saw him🔥 RAR
  10. It’s pretty simple. All of the Established Collectors I’ve met are gone. There was just a handful and I was lucky to meet them. 🔥 RAR
  11. How else can I put this. Is he or is he not making marbles as well as being the avid and Well-Established Collector🔥 RAR
  12. Seriously ! He could barely walk in 2004 or 2006. That was the last time I saw him. IowaMarble ? Could you share some more of the information you have about BT. This is taking longer than it should be🔥 RAR
  13. Where on the Board can I see how many Members we have🔥 RAR
  14. Anytime a "Could Be Newbie" jumps on Board. You're one more Marble Head who's in the mix. Glass marbles. Not heads made out of marble rocks.🔥 RAR
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