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Everything posted by Fire1981

  1. I always thought it was a sloppy Road and Tunnel…..but 🔥
  2. I know you’re goofing. I have a friend who thinks Utah is in Nevada. 🔥
  3. 3/4 Galen and I never really nailed this one down. No remelt on this one. Bo Stiff hand me down. 🔥
  4. Oh thanks! So that’s where you’re going to go with this one. 🤪 So do African Zebras have white or black stripes. Google knows do you 🔥
  5. Kokomos on the right. Rainbo upper left. Wispy Pelt Sunset or a Vitro in the left corner 🔥
  6. Dang it ! I knew it was a vegetable 🔥
  7. Tomato in the bottom left hand corner 🔥
  8. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  9. I have a few of these and never thought they would UV Pop 🔥
  10. Fire1981


    Here’s a few Pelt Slag’s made from cullet in 2003. How they did it I don’t know. This individual did get in trouble with mimic CAC and I have no idea what happened to this person. 🔥
  11. Fire1981


    I’d like to see one of these knock off Pop Eyes🔥
  12. Fire1981


    Maybe they aren’t here anymore. Marble Karma is not to be messed with🔥
  13. Fire1981


    I wonder who it was 🔥
  14. Fire1981


    No Sh$t ? WOW ! I didn’t hear about this but it’s because I was off the Boards for 15 years. I want one or two of these. Start a torched Pop Eye collection. 🔥
  15. This is going to be fun. Just from the pics posted here’s what I see. The Vitro Helmet covers the Racer’s ears. The Akro Helmet’s Visor wraps around the ears of the Racer.
  16. I need to dig deep. If I have one it might be with my Opals. 🔥
  17. Fire1981


    Wait ! What ? A Torched Pop Eye ? A Worker with a torch hit these coming off the rollers? Or what ? Sat down and hand torched these one at a time 🔥
  18. Is this a 1 and 5/8 Rooster? Or is there a different ID because of it’s size 🔥
  19. Any ideas on the Vitro ID on this one 🔥
  20. Does this one fall into any specific ID 🔥
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