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Everything posted by Fire1981

  1. Fire1981


    I was hoping it was vintage instead of modern. But it goes next to my Berry Pink. Thanks everyone 🔥
  2. Looks like an alien embryo 🔥
  3. I lucked out. It was in a cheap group off of EBay. NUTZ 🔥
  4. The base is what really pops.
  5. Fire1981


    Thanks Chad! Dragon Flys are my favorite bug. They can fly backwards and can hit 75mph. That’s just NUTZ 🔥
  6. My last pic looks very similar to that seam.
  7. I’m looking at the seam in the group pic. Last one to the right in the second row.🔥
  8. This is as close as I can get with a Pelt that has one of the same seams 🔥
  9. Fire1981


    Is there a name for this one 🔥
  10. Is this a Ravenswood 🔥
  11. Fire1981


    OK…..let’s see if I can get a name ID on this one.Is this a Pop-Eye corkscrew? Is it a CAC Guinea? Is it a Vitro Tiger Eye. What about a burnt Beach Ball ? Throw me bone 🔥
  12. Fire1981


    Is it a Blue Galaxy ?
  13. Fire1981


    Is there an ID name attached to this one🔥
  14. Fire1981

    Jabo ?

    There you have it 🔥
  15. Fire1981

    Jabo ?

    I think 2 in the middle are or maybe Alleys don’t know on the other ones. The second pic is bomber. 🔥
  16. I’ll use the trophy if I think the marble is a score. 🔥 I use fire just for fun with my thank you response 🔥
  17. Gotta love the color combo 🔥
  18. Could you post some backlit pics?
  19. I can’t stop looking at it 🔥
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