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Everything posted by Fire1981

  1. The first one is opaque. The second one has a transparent brown patch.,
  2. Welcome aboard. Contemporaries are hard to ID if the initials aren't on it. There are so many Artists and it's hard keep track of them. Keep posting pictures. Your pics are excellent πŸ‘
  3. I call them Flickers.
  4. I always like what I would call crude glass marbles. I see this in the seams and really like that kind of trait. The slightly dull cutter Lashes in pic 4 and 5 are another nice flare in this marble. Pic 6 is juicy. πŸš€
  5. Their we go ! Red base glass and bang ! This is a good thread πŸš€
  6. Short of a Red Angel but I think the glass and color combo is somewhat similar.
  7. For cry’n out loud. You’re forgiven. If you thought there were 7 marbles I’d have to ask you how many fingers do you see ?
  8. Any idea what would be the hardest color to find ?
  9. Blew that one. I was going with bubbles in the matrix.
  10. I see more Vitro seam traits here. Similar to Du-Lites and all the other Lites. Several of these have 2 seams. I would need to see some 2 seam Jabos that might be similar to these for comparison.
  11. Did Vitro produce Gladding marbles in the β€˜70s ?
  12. Does anyone have examples of Grenier slags ? They are the only factory I know of that made a single pontil slag in Germany. What traits would one look for when trying to sort these types of slags ?
  13. Thanks for the spell check. If it’s German is it attached to a specific factory? Or is that where tracing slags from Germany kind of ends ?
  14. Why would you need confidence to restore it ?
  15. No kidding ? Those bullet pencils are just to cool. You got lucky once. Maybe you'll stumble onto some more luck.
  16. I could say Navarro right away. What else could it be ? Who else made slags with one pontil?
  17. The junkier the better πŸš€ You can never have too much of that. Kinda like Drizzlers.
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