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Everything posted by LindPW

  1. Thank you! All the gear is my Fathers, but I did ask him and he said under $2000 is feasible, with a beginner setup. He recommended the company Arrow Springs for equipment and glass.
  2. Thanks for the advice! 17 is my lucky number. Maybe I’ll start at 1700. Just made 5 more marbles tonight. I can’t wait to see them tomorrow.
  3. I had a blast! Thank you! I was trying to find a color close to oxblood.
  4. My father and one of his friends are very talented lamp workers. They make beautiful glass beads and other decorations. I thought why not marbles. Here are some that I made yesterday. Only my second time attempting marbles.
  5. Very cool! Thanks everyone! It’s always exciting to get something different. Are these pretty common?
  6. I guess my biggest thing is I can’t locate the seams. It seems as if everything comes together at the poles like a handmade. Usually I have a Master radar that leaves no question, but not this time.
  7. I know Master Sunbursts where made to mimic the German Onion skins. This doesn’t feel Master to me and I know it’s not a German handmade. Stumped.
  8. LindPW

    Red slag.

    Slags are still a mystery to me. Can anyone help me ID the one. Seems to have a Corkscrew look.
  9. LindPW

    Need help!

    I thought the superior had to have yellow surrounded by red on the one poles. I really hope it doesn’t end up being a JABO.
  10. LindPW

    cats eye

    👍Peltier Banana 🍌
  11. When I first saw this I was completely baffled. After further inspection I could find the seams and determine I still have no idea. Pelt came to mind.
  12. Here are some lovelies I just received. Probably pretty basic as far as Akros are concerned. But they are a nice addition to my small collection.
  13. First one is just a tick under 7/8” very seedy glass. This one comes in at 5/8” A bit rough but very bright. 21/32” The first two came in a lot with some Kokomos and possible but odd looking Pelts. Thanks -Dave
  14. Wow, @jeepermanthat first one is ridiculous!! Love it!
  15. @scooby I love the lavender one! Just came across one while digging through my “cat box”. (Hmmm should probably come up with another name for that box.)lol!
  16. LindPW


    With these colors I normally go straight to imperial, but these seams are screaming Akro. Plus all the the AV too. Thoughts?Thank you.
  17. More angles would be helpful but from what I can see they look to be Vitro.
  18. This one I thought was very interesting and fun. Also. I think I just like photographing them😆
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