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Everything posted by LindPW

  1. This latest hybrid cat I just got, took down my number one in my collection. Previous #1 was an all aventurine 5 vane. Now this 6 vane cage style shot straight to the top! White with aventurine tips! What are yinz favorites?
  2. This is one I have with similar colors and oxblood. Only mine has aventurine not lutz.
  3. Could #1 be a superior?
  4. Thanks @Steph! Anacortes Vitros are something completely different to me. They are from when Vitro moved to Washington, right? I Googled images and #8 looks like it could be an Anacortes swirl. I think #6 is definitely a WA Vitro. So exciting! Thanks-Dave
  5. Got a fun group of marbles that I’m having trouble with. #6 has a very dark transparent green top. Thanks- Dave
  6. Thanks @Stephand @ManofKent! I do love these mibs but JABOs are sneaky little marbles. 😄
  7. Here are shots of the aventurine. There are green streaks and sparkles in each one.
  8. Got these 3 beauties in a lot recently. Besides the oxblood there is also aventurine in the transparent parts.( had trouble capturing that) Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks -Dave sizes are 5/8, 19/32, 9/16
  9. I know, right?! @Nantucketdink identified it as a JABO Joker Rainbow. I think I got that right? 😆
  10. LindPW

    At a loss.

    I only really said transitional because I couldn’t nail anything else down. Lol also the word “translational” apparently is a bit skewed from the meaning in fruit jar collecting, which I am a custom to. Pelt did cross my mind, but never thought of Vitro.
  11. Opaque white base, transparent red/orange stripe. Almost reminds me of a transitional.
  12. YES!! I can finally participate in the thread!!
  13. LindPW


    Would I be correct in guessing this is a Peltier Rainbo? 5/8” thanks!
  14. This was one of the pics I had to look at.🙄 the color does seem more red without the flash.
  15. Haha. Well. I would say redish orange. Probably not a big help.
  16. Picked up a small lot of 35 marbles for $5. Sellers pictures were bad but I decided, “what the heck.” 11/16
  17. I’d say these 3 are related. Yellow/amber base glass and what appears to be a red 2 vane. Very obvious pinch mark too. Are these mibs normal? Pelt?
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