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Everything posted by scooby

  1. These were found with the bananas and the sunset..
  2. These are kinda hard to I'd but I was thinking the color might lean towards a maker..
  3. Some one burned up a drill bit on this one...
  4. I have some clear 3 vane that I'm going to say are vitro?.i know the bananas,and the sunset are pelt but the others are what I need help with identifying..i was thinking the slag was possibly pelt you can see some sort of cut in pic,and the blue and green clear..patch? Or are they just messed up,I can post better pics of each if needed..
  5. Been a while since I've found any mibs..small sandwich bag for $2.00 from local resale shop...i see nanners
  6. scooby

    Mib ID

    Sorry it took so long..
  7. scooby

    cats eye

    Found this 11/16 cat hiding in a box in the closet... Lol
  8. Very nice vitro cats eye..i have about a dozen of these type.I wonder about when they were produced..
  9. The blacks as steph said,and the white are vacor...the reds I'm not to sure on..
  10. scooby

    Mib ID

    I will get better pics these are horrible..translucent and 5/8
  11. scooby

    Mib ID

    This was in a little jar from a antiques mall if I remember with 3-4 other marbles,Vitros I think..so it stood out,lol..one of those implosive buys from when I started to look for marbles..probably a year ago
  12. scooby

    Mib ID

    15/16...and appears to have no transparency that I can see..
  13. scooby

    Mib ID

    Not sure on this one..
  14. scooby

    Mib ID

    Lots of fractures on this one..
  15. My condolences...Sending hugs your way.
  16. Found it's siblings ,1/2 and 9/16..
  17. Looks like a pelt but that's me..
  18. Yea mib is confusing.2nd pic from bottom is kinda cool.only 9/16
  19. Found this hiding in a junk jar.it looked black At first..but something was different..
  20. Nice mib..like 2 mibs in one..I can see why it's your favorite..
  21. scooby


    Not sure what masters your talking about..any pics of this blob like mib.. Thanks
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