Hi there all!!
This might be a weird story, LOL -- on how I just became interested in marbles. I was on YouTube, and came across a video of marbles racing downhill on a sand track. With commentary like they were race cars. 🤣 I LOVED it! I went to the person's channel, and there was a WHOLE SERIES of marble racing, and marble Olympics, LOL, it was all quite entertaining actually! I really liked watching the sand racing.
And as I'm looking at these racing marbles, I'm thinking "Man, some of those are really kinda pretty!" and so I start looking up marbles, marbles for sale, marble forums, marble-making on YouTube... and holy cow, they are just SO GORGEOUS! Like mini works of art.
Handmade ones are really neat, and I think it's super cool to see them being made... but I've fallen for the machine made marbles. I just cannot stop looking at them.
I don't have any marbles in-hand yet... but I've ordered some. Half vintage, half modern. Whatever looked super petty to me, looked like I could stare at them for days on end.
And browsing eBay was a mistake. 🤣🤣🤣
There are SO MANY GORGEOUS MARBLES out there!!! I have like 4 bids in on individual marbles right now... I don't care if they are actually vintage or not, I am in love with them, LOL!
Have been browsing this forum (and other sites) the past 3 days, trying to learn how to ID. But I think I'll definitely have to invest in a few books soon! And hopefully go to a nearby-ish show to see awesome marbles in person and learn what I can from others.
Anyhoo... thus begins my love affair with marbles I guess. 🤣
sprchik ("superchick")