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Everything posted by sprchik

  1. πŸ‘€πŸ˜πŸ‘€ wow wow, some of these cats are really making me look twice!!! I think I may have under-appreciated cats until this thread... wowzers! πŸ‘€
  2. And if it was anyone here, I promise I don't hate you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ even though I'm sure it sounds like I do! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ It's a sniper's world, good on ya. "You win this round..." LOL
  3. 😭😭😭😭😭 Ok I don't really quit. ☹ But it's so depressing, it really makes me feel like it. With 2 seconds left by the time it notified me, there was nothing I could do. Hope you enjoy it... (I sure would have...😭) Enjoy the screenshot progression of the last minute of the auction: The rest of the box: Whhhhyyyyy.... 😭😭😭 what a world, what a world... *melting Witch of the West voice*.... 😭😭😭 2 seconds!!! It hurts so bad ☹☹😒😒
  4. Can I use this post as a perfectly good reason to share my first (you tell me ...Akro?) milky ox? It just came in the mail the other day! And also I'm quite interested in this discussion. I hadn't even realized some were thought to be Alley. But now you say it, I totally see what you mean.
  5. Ooo I wanna see! Hey it was you that had some for sale on the bay recently, wasn't it? I was eyeballing them HARD... Especially after the price dropped to 5-something. πŸ‘€ Once I got another paycheck I looked for them again and they were gone. *sigh* 😍 I was only gonna buy 2 out of the 3, but couldn't make up my mind over which of the 2 white based ones I would leave behind... πŸ˜‚ The blue one was obviously going home with me. Then between the "wings" on the one, the awesome coverage/pattern of the other, and the deal he cut me for all 3... I didn't have to pick & choose! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  6. Yes I see! Now off to search for "Tri-Color Agate" information... Because white base must have counted (to Akro) as one of the 3 colors on these... ... but apparently it's not counted as a color now.
  7. OMG I give up on the FB thread... it has given me a pounding headache... or maybe that was from the flashlight hitting me in the eyes as I was checking for opal fire. Whichever. *throws hands in the air*
  8. And I went back to FB to say I'll be calling it a Moss Agate because that's what Akro called it... and was immediately told that 'Moss Agates are patch style marbles, never seen a corkscrew called a Moss Agate'... 🀣🀣🀣 Oh well, I'm happy to call it what Akro called it. Do you have pics of Akro calling corks like this Moss Agates, @Steph? That I could share on FB so people believe me, LOL?
  9. Awesome, thanks Steph!!! I do always like to know factory names when they are available. Will be marked as a Moss Agate here. I'm struggling with understanding the rest though. I have seen the pics with various different mibs in the Ringer box, so I understand that. Akro didn't call the various marbles in those boxes Ringers. πŸ‘ I got that part. But collectors are calling something Ringers... I had a couple people on FB call mine a Ringer. Then someone else corrected them, because mine does not have a crystal clear base, and said it's not a Ringer because of that. So, I guess I'm wondering... I don't know what I'm wondering. 🀣
  10. I love ones that look like planets... 😍 😍😍 sometimes that's the only reason I buy 'em! Would like to have a collection of little glass Jupiters, or be able to make a model of our solar system with marbles that look like all the planets!
  11. Yep... almost 60Β°F just yesterday... no snow in my yard, on the driveway... To this today .... not impressed, Nature... not impressed.
  12. Reading up on the "definitions" of these, trying to determine exactly what this is. I'm so lost, LOL. Here are the definitions I'm looking at... let me know if any of these need to be "updated"? I might be reading outdated information. Related to Popeyes are Imperials and Ringers. Ringers have the clear areas with white filaments of Popeyes but only have one additional color. Usually this color is transparent red or orange. Imperials have a more translucent milky base, with a red spiral shadowed by a more transparent orange spiral. "Ade" corkscrews are identified by their base glass of translucent off-white mixed with wispy opaque white. The spirals on these marbles will be translucent and come in yellow ("lemonades"), green ("limeades"), orange ("orangeades"), red ("cherryades"), and reddish brown (Carnelians). And I can't find a definition for Moss... So... this Akro cork has a translucent base, not crystal clear like a Popeye. I would have called it a clear base, until I compared it with my Popeyes! The difference is obvious then!!! Cloudy base. Wispy white. And... orange? brown? red? Not quite sure what you call the color! The color seems to be a bit translucent -- it does seem to let some light through... but it also gets more opaque in spots. πŸ€” I don't have a blacklight yet. Might need to go get one just to figure this out, LOL. And some backlit photos as well... If the definitions are correct... the base glass isn't clear, so it can't be a Ringer. That's all I can figure out though 🀣 Thoughts on what it is? Thanks!
  13. Thanks folks! These are addicting... might need an intervention... already have 2 more on the way, in color combos I don't have yet. Can't... stop... buying... flames! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
  14. Oh yeah I'm not mad at the seller all (I hadn't even thought to be mad at the seller until you mentioned it, LOL!). Maybe if I had spent more than $5 on it I would be upset... but no it was only like 5 bucks. 😊
  15. Aaah, gotcha. Didn't know that would point to not CAC. But yes it was those striations that made me think they were the same maker! Thanks Galen!
  16. There's a 50Β° difference between today and a week ago!!! Last week... a low of negative 2!! Though I think it gets colder again tonight... weather report is saying snow tonight. Just after all the snow was finally melted from my driveway!
  17. Ooo... I really like that one, Paul!! Gonna hold my hands up to these and see if they warm me up: And a swirl, I love these colors!
  18. I think so, too!!! 🀣 And I love it! Here's a bunch that still need their close-ups...
  19. Got a Blue Lady!!! My first of anything in the various Blue families. Such a gorgeous color 😍
  20. Ahh, so there might not be anything wrong with my eyes (or brain, for that matter!), if they're both Alley! Thanks Ron!
  21. So I have these 2 pretty mibs. And their structure looks really similar to me (but hey, I'm still a novice here!)... This first one here, I bought on ebay, listed as CAC, from a pretty reputable seller (feedback over 5000 at 100%). The other mibs I bought from them seem correct, and so do their current listings. I have no reason to doubt their ID as CAC. Here's the CAC (which I also posted in the CAC thread in Study Hall, and no one questioned there) -- Now this next one I just bought at the Indy Show, sold as Alley. I certainly have no reason to doubt that ID either. Here's the Alley: Now, I look at both of these, and get totally confused! 🀣 The structure seems incredibly similar to me. I don't see what it is that makes the first one CAC and the second one Alley. Can you guys help a newbie out here, and point out the differences I'm not seeing? I'd really appreciate the chance to learn/understand. 😊 Is it not the structure at all, but the colors alone that determine the maker in this case? Does anyone have a CAC that looks like that first one that they could share pictures of? (I'm also open to the possibility that it ISN'T a CAC -- but would also like to understand why!) Thanks a bunch, folks!
  22. I knew what this was when I bought it at the show, LOL, but if I don't write things down... man, I totally forgot what is was. 🀣 The consensus on this 3/4" slag is Akro.
  23. Haha, thread might need a warning: "BIB NEEDED TO CATCH DROOL" 🀣 I love all of them of course, but I actually think I have a favorite out of the new ones -- it's the first one. The flames look like wings to me!!! 😍 (and anyone that knows me, knows I loooooove wings... I have a full back tattoo of wings!) I just love love love it! Look at the wings! The bottom left pic in the collage is where the top 2 pics come together. It's not a flaming mib, it's a flying mib!!! 😍 So freaking cool!!!
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