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Everything posted by Vancecrash

  1. Ok this guy is so beat I don't know what to make of it. There is a cats eye structure inside that is rather distorted I guess. It's a larger than average Mable.
  2. Gotcha, thank you again, for the continued education
  3. I get ya, I was thinking pelt myself. So what about this hole. What do you make of it? It really doesn't look as if it was from play. It's rather deep, and steep sloped. It's also more triangular rather than round like a chip. A bubble somewhat shallow, near the surface ish that then chipped? Maybe this is a rediculous question to ask speculation on?
  4. We had a similar situation with bottle reuse here in the USA shortly after prohibition was repealed. In 1935 the government required liquor bottles to be cast with the phrase, "federal law forbids the sale or reuse of this bottle". There were even localized laws surrounding destruction of empty bottles. Some areas strictly enforced these laws even. I'm certain the liquor industry lobbied hard to enact this law to prevent bootleggers from taking a bite out of thier recently re-established profits.
  5. It is me or are the seam on the same face of this one? They are not on opposite sides of the marble. What does this mean, and who made this?
  6. Would I also be correct in assuming that many of these are still made to this day?
  7. Vancecrash

    Id help

  8. Same here Dave. I also guess manufacture ID is near to imposible?
  9. Those are amazing. The concept is brilliant, and seeing it in this picture, clearly it was executed just as brilliantly. I have some hand blown glass vessels that came to my hand filled with marbles from auction. I keep the ones I really enjoy and gift the rest. People really enjoy receiving fun glass randomly gifted. Usually anyway. These are a few bottle I happen have sitting by me. The first is a vase clearly, but I suspect as handmade, but probably amateur hand made? The second is a bottle I really like. The pitcher jug is hand made for sure, and by someone with skill. The third is just and anchor hocking made juice bottle, but I like the offset nature of the top. It's a beautifully made industry bottle.
  10. Very cool, next time I am in storage I will snap some pictures of mine. Have yet to do any research on what I have. On this one it's tough to tell from the picture but there is still about 1/16th of the original turpentine in it! And it's functional!
  11. Aaah, I'm an bottle hound myself. Although I have never been in water looking for them. I spent an entire summer digging in a glass pit in an old Oklahoma car wrecking yard. I found some fun glass in there. Sadly most of the greats were in shards. I do have some old Bayer asprin bottles, some tonics, couple snake oils, and one of my favs included here. I found d this bottle in a mason jar with no lid, 3 ft down in the pit. How on Earth did it stay in such condition?
  12. Godown, is your username per chance taken from one of the best ever AC/DC songs? Or is it a juxtaposed similarity that you are from Australia?
  13. So, here goes. I'm betting this is unidentifiable?
  14. So, what you are saying is that maybe it is your typical orange and white duck bill unicorn pelt?
  15. And it's not your typical orange and white zebra striped duck billed unicorn pelt. Is this a citrus?
  16. I had the same desire, so I did, nothing, not a thing shines through.
  17. Ok, In the bottom right pic I back lit the marble to better represent the dark areas from the other three pictures. The seams on this on baffle me. What is it?
  18. Fun marble, sparkling, beautiful lines. Reminds me of watermelon. Any clues for me?
  19. Aaah, Steph, I think I may be a passive group two member.
  20. The type really is a toss up. I have found a bit of support for the Champion Jr title at marble collecting .com with a picture of a similar marble and a blurb. Keep in mind I am new to collecting so I am unfamiliar with the integrity of the information from that source. "A transparent dark base with a yellow and white ribbon brushed on the equator of the marble is a Champion Jr."
  21. I love this marble. The pictures really don't do it justice. The are many fine lines of brick that are not manifesting in the photo. Not a bad score from my $22 jar. There are a few more that I'm certain are going to turn out just as fun. I'm going to post a couple more tonight, I think. Thanks everyone!
  22. I've been looking around at bricks. Even in the most black or black bricks I've seen nothing with so much black. Steph, is this considered a 9 and tail? Still working to see seams (and waiting on your seam tutorial)
  23. Vancecrash

    Id help

    That is beautiful, reminds me of idian corn.
  24. Last one for the night, nothing much to say about this one that the pictures don't say. Thank you all for your help and the education you provide. You sure make collecting fun!
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