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Everything posted by Vancecrash

  1. But it is a Marble king?, Right? Just some sort of abomination of a patch and ribbon? Or maybe this is exactly what they were shooting for with patch and ribbon and they ahpoened to hit the mark? I have another confusing marble king I will post about.
  2. Is there any particular name for this style of ribbon paternity?
  3. Jobo marbles sure can be beautiful. The very perfection they achieve however takes away from thier character, imho.
  4. Top right I see alley swirl like I posted the other day.
  5. My most favorite marble so far, in my long and illustrious 2 month old hoby...a pelt rainbo
  6. The black one does feel akro, and yes just the one white patch and not another bit of color on it but pitch black. And I will put Alley on the non-flame swirl. Thank you, as always greatly appreciated!
  7. This may be my most favorite to date (what's it been 2 months worth of habit so far?) Well, what the heck is it? I don't know why, but I wanna sing, "come on get happy..." the Partridge Family when I look at it.
  8. Just looking through these, think oh! That's a cool marble, I love this about it, then another say to myself the same thing. Then another, and another, etc, etc. Guess what? Marbles sure are interesting objects of manipulated chance. I like them all. Thanks for sharing the pictures!
  9. Jabo? (I mean I know they are, just calibrating)
  10. Not sure that these views are much more informative...
  11. You two are wonderful. I can't imagine the work that would have gone into this hoby had you not need here. I feel a bit like I'm cheating lol
  12. So, this green guy here, what they call a flame? And the other black and white is???
  13. 37/64" The seam wraps all the way around this marble and over the other seam. How am I supposed to see the other seam if this seam is being unruly and covering the other? Top left: seam Top right: other side of the marble Bottom left: bottom (South Pole) Bottom right: top (North Pole)
  14. Ok also the white is pink when under black light. The size is 5/8.
  15. Oh yes, looking at other milky oxbloods, for sure this one is that for sure.
  16. Yeah, not large, not peewee. The lot it came in is a bit more complicated. It was a lot of 2000 marbles. There was a few hundred modern cats, some Jabo sets (that this one doesn't quite look like), some marble king sets, and probably 1300 vintage or assumed vintage. I put Alley on this one for now, with a question mark.
  17. Vancecrash


    I see Jabo, but not as profound as most Jabo folds I have seen.
  18. I really appreciate the abundance of information you all have. It is simply amazing. Thank you!
  19. The red goes to a florescent pink orange. I will check the size soon.
  20. In the waiting room waiting for a friend who is in surgery (nothing serious) so I brought marbles to keep me busy. So, this marble, I can only make out one seam with any certainty. I have no guess...
  21. Vancecrash


    I don't even know where to start on this funky little marble...the red is reactive to black light.
  22. Vitro patch? Would this be the "v" patch I have read about?
  23. I'm not sold on my assessment here. Clear base, brushed patches? Vitro? Jabo?
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