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Peltier Mibber

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Peltier Mibber last won the day on September 28 2022

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  1. Compare it to a CAC Gray Coat.
  2. CAC is a possibility. Let's we what others think.
  3. What's the story on this one?
  4. Boy I have to restudy the Cairo marbles. The patterns in the video are significantly different from what I'm familiar with.
  5. It was like thin beef. I never received a straight answer to what it was! Yikes.
  6. Sea Urchin and a mystery meat on a work trip in China.
  7. Nice group of Pelts. Thank you for sharing.
  8. Well it is 30% off, so there's that. Oh wait is the 30% off the marble or off the marble.
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