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Everything posted by Marian

  1. Marian

    Flama's ?

    Attempting to identify some Cat Eyes...Are these Flama's? I saw some on an older post๐Ÿ˜‰
  2. Marian


    Will add it to wish list! Thanks! This site is awesome!!
  3. This one appears similar but a bit milky around the vanes...
  4. That is interesting though! So these other yellows are 7/8 MK, too?
  5. For example, these three appear different
  6. These look all Vacor. Are there any this style that may be different? Reason I ask , some are more milky, some have tiny seams at poles of colors, etc., and most color is on surface, but some more within marble.
  7. So do most Marble King do that? Fill the marble more?
  8. Marian


    Yes! I'm learning a lot of information! Plus I got Marble Mania book the other day!
  9. Marian


    Interesting...I hate getting them in my marbles!!
  10. Here is another shot...and I guess it is probably just another large piece of debris, but it looked like the white vane came out of inside at first glance.
  11. I can't get a good picture of it, but it has the 3 vanes, red, white and green, and then the Red has a big chunk that looks like a shark's fin sticking out of it that has a tinge of yellow to it? Odd duck, for sure.
  12. Marian


    How do you know if they are steelies or ball bearings? Just keep them all together away from others or pitch?
  13. Any distinctions in these shooters? For example, the three on left, the vanes seem to fill up the marbles, where as the others are slimmer?
  14. Is this a peerless patch? Peltier?
  15. So this shooter appears to have a vane blowout and a piece of debris.
  16. Thanks! Way off wasn't I..lol Not quite a month into this yet.
  17. Anything special about this besides it is pretty?
  18. 2nd attempt at identifying ...really guessing based on a book..lol
  19. So, can't get a backlit right now, but the one on the right is transparent and appears to have a swirl through it but you don't see colors when light held up close. The one on the left, light doesn't go through...but both have similar "glittery" swirls when light is shined on them?
  20. 3-5 inches??? Awesome-No idea they come that big!!! (Beside a paperweight! ๐Ÿ˜‰)
  21. Very hard to photograph. Both appear plain brown to naked eye. But definitely have colors inside. Any direction?
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