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Everything posted by Marian

  1. Marian

    No idea

    It does glow quite well and is normal size...but I wouldn’t say it is solid color because there seems to be something transparent here?
  2. I see...then it is one of those weird circle rolls and then a big chip...lol...darn
  3. Looks like the cover of The Rolling Stones 🥰
  4. Marian


    Another Master or Asian?
  5. This one I can’t determine for sure if Asian or Maybe a Master?
  6. Curious if this may have been a pontil on this marble? It is definitely chipped 😢 but for my own learning, any ideas?
  7. Marian

    Help ID 34

    Are they too bubbly to be Peltier, then, Ron? Because that’s what I would have guessed.
  8. Marian

    Help ID 31

    Oh my!! I love that purple slag!!!
  9. Marian

    Help ID 27

    Not sure the brown was a color...maybe furnace dirt? But kind of looks vitro with the color variation.
  10. I want to say Peltier Rainbo....but I can’t find anything that says they made just white ribbons
  11. Marian


    Ideas? Asking for a friend
  12. I have been getting that ever since I got the iphonex....I have to email to myself, download to docs, resize then I can
  13. I don’t know ... it just stood out a bit 😉
  14. Top picture...that white ‘fluorescent ‘ looking one...I wonder why it looks orange?
  15. Marian


    I’m thinking the blue is just an odd catseye but seam? Red clear maybe a sunburst? The tiny on left looks like a patch? Not sure if white and red is a swirl or wonky corkscrew? And the one on the right is different? Some kind of foreign catseye or a master?
  16. Marian


    I know the smaller ones are game marbles..anything about the other three I should know or are they Jabo?
  17. What do you suppose the green and tan base glass is?
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