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Everything posted by Marian

  1. Marian


    They were in a batch that had 2 CuneoFurnace (Steven Maslach).
  2. Marian


    These are very pretty and very similar, so I just grouped together. Are they modern?
  3. It looks like a light blue stripe, too but very thin...and possibly an odd patch but can't get a picture of the patch area
  4. Thank you so much! I had no idea they named these, as well! Interesting!!
  5. This is about the size of a ping pong ball...Just another pretty?
  6. Very pretty shooter...modern? What would it be called?
  7. Did they make catseyes like this? Green glass but looks black
  8. So maybe typical "clearie"? It has a slight swirl of color, like maybe brown?
  9. New...which shooter is the parrot?
  10. Could this be some kind of modern handmade or just a fluke? It has a complete circle around a small point..don't really see any seams. Pretty good shape.
  11. Marian


    Wow! Been on one site for hours! Again, thank you so much! i am in Southern Iowa...Went to one marble event in Bonnor Springs, KS a few years ago..Moon Marbles or someplace like that...wasn't able to stay a long time but what we did see was amazing.
  12. I think these are all modern, but not sure about 2 clear with swirls in lower left?
  13. Common modern? Top flash..bottom no flash
  14. Marian


    I'm guessing these are all or most, modern..The bluish green clear ones all seem to have a lot of bubbles in them.
  15. Is this identifiable as vintage or is it modern? I think most of my shooters are modern..I will send more pictures of them in a bit. There is a pronounced round roll? On one spot
  16. Does this look like a set of Bumblebees? Are they new? It is late so I only took 2 pictures. They are very nice shape.
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