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Everything posted by Marian

  1. Lump all together? Are there other makers with similar marble styles I need to be aware of? Or just put altogether? For example, one of these have seams where both seams are definitely u shaped, pointing at each other, and others have a u and straight or curvy seam.
  2. Still working on new phone photos . Are top three Akro Agates?
  3. Pretty sure but bottom one is a bit larger
  4. Marian


    No ID needed...just practicing with new phone
  5. LOL I will move it to other spot!!
  6. So I have a new iPhone X and just wondering why I can’t upload? Anyone know?
  7. Looks like a little of everything 😉
  8. Marian


    Interesting! Thank you for sharing!
  9. Marian


    Definitely not chips but not rolls either, unless they rolled into a point...almost like the tip of a chocolate chip but flat all around
  10. Is this correct and does it have 2 or 3 colors? About an inch...nothing to measure with at hand...
  11. Marian


    Interesting!! Lazy Corkscrew-LOL
  12. Marian


    3 marbles...Yes I know it is another weird pointed tip with smooth flat "cut" around it...I've seen it on maybe 2 other marbles I have but not a chip...Others have it on same kind of area (Pole?)...BUT, I have one Vitro Catseye Shooter that has it on the "side"?
  13. Marian


    The last picture shows a folded V in the glass...last min in picture
  14. So just going to ask for help and quit guessing
  15. Marian


    Anything identifiable?
  16. Kind of had a hard time with 1 & 2 seams??
  17. So can't decide.. What does the V seam identify any maker? And the mini....patch? Maker? Its so cute!
  18. Marian


    Thinking Masters? Any names or other help appreciated... I did no flash / flash on first 4 pic
  19. Helping my daughter learn some techniques and identification tips I've learned here. Benningtons and clays... On the clays, could some be dirty crock or just leave them all together? Check out the smiley face on tiny ben....
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