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Everything posted by Marbleized

  1. OMG! I just realized that I either didn't label that yellow marble and am asking to ID it again, or if this is another of the same! So Sorry!!! If I don't write things down right away, it goes "poof" out of my brain...😵🤯
  2. Missed this one. Never to old to respond back to. Thank YOU and everyone on Marble Connection! You are all "da Bomb"s!
  3. The third one looks like a corkscrew in the first pic, then you look at the next pic and you say, "What?!?" Nice marbles!
  4. Maybe the machine was running out of the white base in the second one so the patch took over? Just covering all the bases. The last photo looks like it could be marble number one, more swirly.
  5. Hi All, Do you tend to use the trophy meme to say "thanks" or to say "awesome thought"? Just wondering . . .
  6. Thanks Fuzzy Chubbs and Fire1981! I appreciate the help with my beater. It's really gone through the wringer and the surface is pretty dull except for the many sparkles. But the colors were so rich that I couldn't bring myself to toss it into the discard jar. LOL! It is actually going on my display shelf. I'm happy with Akro. 👍🙂
  7. Never thought of checking . . . . . . . No, I guess it doesn't glow.
  8. Thanks Fuzzy Chubbs! Peltier wasn't even on my list of possibilities. I'm always finding out new things on Marble Connections. 👍
  9. Hi Again! I just spotted another marble that came in the same jar as the above marble. It looks like an "inverted" version of the first marble. It has the off-white as the base and the transparent blue as the swirl. At first, the swirl glass looks darker, but when I looked at the parts where just a little blue peeked out from the slivers of opening in the base, it looked like a light blue similar to the light blue that was created when the base glass sat thinly over the ribbon glass in the first marble. (Yikes, sorry. Too many words.) It reminded me of walking in the ocean, where the shallow water looks lighter than the deeper water. Thought this might help in identifying what these are. Thanks again!
  10. Hi All, This marble is somewhat different from everything that I have. The off slightly off-white ribbon is pretty chunky and sits near the surface and at certain places almost pops out of the watery inky blue transparent base. The size is .60". Any specific maker? Thanks!
  11. Hi All, Thinking this is another beaten up CAC. It does have somewhat of a corkscrew pattern though. Thanks for your thoughts.
  12. Hi Steph, Here are a couple more pics that were taken near a sunny window. It looks as if the base has a greenish tinge, but there is definitely no green tint when enlarging the photos Upon looking more closely at the marble in the middle of the secong photo, I think I saw what looks like a really tight "b. crack". It is so faint in the white base. I also compared them to some Alleys in better lighting and the white glass base in the sun isn't as pure and opaque looking as the Alleys. So the verdict is . . . Jabo . . . ? Thanks!
  13. I'll wait until I get a little bit of sunlight. Pretty dreary weather in my neck of the woods right now. Thanks Steph!
  14. Thanks for the clarification Chad!
  15. The first mib is .63" and seems to have an opal base which kind of makes me want to say Vitro. (I forgot to turn this one around in the second pic, so I've added another pic of that marble.) The second on is .61" with a translucent white base that is slightly grayish. The third marble, .61" I have labeled as Vitro and mistakenly added it in to my photo line up (oops), so I figured it could be confirmed. The last marble is .63"and I'm thinking Akro, going on a feeling... Thanks for your expertise!
  16. Awwww... no such thing? Too bad. It should be a thing. LOL.
  17. I just saw a post with similar marbles in an original bag. Maybe Alleys. I guess definitely WVS. LOL.
  18. Just wondering what this is. Whatever it is, it looks really old. Alley or CAC? Thanks!
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