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Everything posted by Greeneyesgreenthumbs

  1. Hmm I had it on the Marble ID board the consensus there was this is a CAC Marble. But ID can be subjective and misidentification happens. I mean, these Marble Makers all worked together then each went their own way. They used the same machines even for some time. I’m sure the workers went back and forth from one company to the other just like employees today do where they take a job with a current competitor. Then one marble maker would distribute their marbles in another marble makers packaging for whatever reasons…….so it’s a wonder any 100% Correct identification is even possible with marbles.
  2. Looks like a Vitro Agate Tomato Marble. The Seams look straight on one side curved on the other side. Vitro seems are like this. I think you’re seeing the marble with the “front” turned up which gives you somewhat of a Master Marble look. Turn the marble 90 degrees from what you show in picture 1, 2 & 3. Then you should see the seems I’m referring to. Or maybe I’m way off base here. With solids it can be hard to tell for sure without it in hand.
  3. I ran across these two while searching my Peltier box. I believe they’re Pelts however what are they called? The green one is loaded with AV and appears translucent but it’s actually transparent glass. The blue one is a looker I’d love to know what it’s called?
  4. I believe I’ve found a couple Green Jewels. The first one is a corkscrew, pretty cool. I found a couple more I’m taking to the ID board.
  5. If you have any Peltier Jewels pictures and don’t mind sharing them I’m looking to compare a few Marbles to known examples. Particularly the Green Jewel. Thank you for your time.
  6. I’m certainly interested as well. What a pretty collection.
  7. Thanks Ron for the pics and information. You always bring a lot of great stuff to the table. You certainly are appreciated for your positive efforts. Also thanks to everyone else for your time and sharing of knowledge. Now as to Fire’s contributions, ehh not so much appreciated. The responses I receive from you seem indicative of an underlying issue you’re struggling to deal with. Maybe you should PM me instead of this Peltier response thing you keep trying to stick on my walls.
  8. Yes it’s a pinkish blue a very cool base glass that’s semi translucent. Has an old glass look to me here’s some picks I took a while back in the sunshine. i see some think it’s Jabo. I personally don’t see it. But I’m weak in my journey towards identifying Jabo marbles. I’ve always tried to stay away from them I suppose is why I don’t recognize them successfully, yet.
  9. Don’t see the Jabo correlation. In hand this one doesn’t resemble any Jabo I’ve ever seen or have. But if someone could show me a known Jabo that matches this one I’ll change that line of thinking
  10. Marble one measures 0.70” inches in diameter
  11. Would these be “Thumbnail” patch Akros?
  12. From what I can tell they are all Naked Core German Hand Made
  13. This one measures 0.75” inches diameter. I’ve gone back and forth in my own mind over this marbles maker. CAC American Agate to Akro and so on. I think the base glass is throwing me off. As always any info is appreciated. Thanks for your time.
  14. Wasssup Akrooka? Good to hear from you. I know. I wish all marbles had the privilege of being Akro. The second marble measures 0.63” Inches in Diameter. But the first marble is larger. I’ll have to exit the Head Shed and go into the house to retrieve it for a measurement. Might be a sec. I appreciate the compliment in the pictures. I’m finding out that background is very important and minimizing reflection is also very important. Thanks for the input here. I’m usually able to ID most marbles but Jabo and Peltier tend to give me fits.
  15. Hello I appreciate your time and your sharing of knowledge. These two marbles are in need of identification I have an idea of what they might be. But some consensus is needed here. The first marble, Alley? Second either Akro or Peltier?Again thank you.
  16. I do believe you nailed this ones ID. Vitro Agate Black Line All Red With an Orange Patch here. You see the Top Patch in other colors too, including Red, Orange and Vitro Oxblood.
  17. Gorgeous Marble. Thanks Cheese for your time and efforts to help me out
  18. Thanks Da Roberto I appreciate your sharing of knowledge.
  19. Looks to me like a Vitro Gladding a more recent Vitro Agate. However both companies made marbles that look like this and they’re almost impossible to differentiate from one another.
  20. The more I look at this marble the more I like it regardless of maker. It has a blizzard thing going on with it. Nice one!
  21. Thank you Cheese. The first marble is the only one I’ve ever seen in this color. The interior is full like a balloon in the same color as the exterior ribbons with a translucent glass separating the exterior from the interior. It’s like a three tiered cake. Any idea what this Peltier marble is called?
  22. Colors look like a Sea Foam Alley. The Swirling pattern has the Heaton Ear in it. I’ll sit back and see what others say.
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