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Everything posted by Greeneyesgreenthumbs

  1. Yeah Ric, the second one is a nice marble. The offset of the black/purple band throws me off. Is there any correlation between the size of Vitro Agate Shooters and their age? It just seems to me that most of the older Vitro shooters I’ve come across are similarly sized between 0.75 and 0.85” inches in diameter where the newer ones like tiger eyes I see some almost 1” inch in diameter. It could just be me overthinking things or my sample size being to limited? I appreciate all y’all’s time on this stuff. I really do.
  2. Hmm I hadn’t considered Jabo, could be. Here’s a pic of the first marble with a group of Alley. I was trying to compare but……
  3. Thanks for your time. I have these three I’m struggling to ID. I have an idea of what I “Think” they are but that’s not good enough for me. Any input is appreciated. First pic I think is Alley due to the large size and the light blue base Marble measures 0.98”inches in diameter The next one is also shooter size measuring 0.85” inches in diameter. I think it’s Vitro but I can’t rule out Peltier or MK in my mind for some reason. Last one I think is Akro but I can’t commit to it. Measures 0.61” inches in diameter I appreciate any input on these. Thanks
  4. Thanks everyone sorry for being away from the discussion I lost my phone which had my login so….But I appreciate the input. I’m going to keep it with my pelts and kokos
  5. Thanks for your time and thoughts. I have this nice translucent base Peltier. Is this a Submarine?
  6. Is it common for masters to be four colors? I see lots of three colored but four colors ?
  7. I can get light through it but very little. However, with this minimal light you can see a matrix within the interior. But I wasn’t able to further dissect it. When I get home I’m going to get a good pic of the interior and maybe that will help figure this one out. It’s a nice fat juicy marble that sure looks like a higher end piece… …and yes I do love marble Collectors. We are a rare breed. But we are also a superior breed here’s why…Through marble collecting we’ve trained ourself to see the smallest of differences and minuscule details in everything. Plus, marble heads like us know what applied passion feels like along with its role in being a success. Next,,,If you’ve misidentified a marble publicly it’s almost a given you’ve perfected the serpentine to assist in evading the Marble police’ Furthermore this perfected running of the “S” adds to your survivability skills in crisis situations like a Zombie Apocalypse. Lastly, another multipurpose tool we Marble Heads develop, an off the charts “Titer” level. With this no PGM grown immunity booster you’ll never feel like a goat by assuming anything is an Akro just because it’s in a bag with other Akros. Plus you’ll lose that blind faith in a marble being a superman Corkscrew on facts merely obtained from a few pictures. With this loss of assumption you won’t have your Superman Daydream popped by a yellow, red and blue 6-van imported Catseye with a talent for refracting light……In other words marble collectors are superior with built in super powers. With this uniquely acquired skill set we can take on any problem and beat that sucker down all with the ninja like upgrades that came to fruition because of our love for marbles.
  8. Nice y’all good info I love the examples! Does anyone have some info on the marble I pictured? Akro? Thank you
  9. That is a nice patch marble. I know the criteria is oxblood and tan/taupe/beige but didn’t know if there were variants or what. Thanks for the input
  10. I have this marble that I’ve always thought was an Akro Agate Chocolate Oxblood Marble. But I’m not entirely sure and sometimes think it could be a Master Marble. But what makes an Akro agate marble a Chocolate Oxblood? This one has a tan or beige patch and a rich oxblood colored semi translucent base. Measures 0.65” inches in diameter. Any thoughts are much appreciated.
  11. Thanks y’all I like this one for its rabbit design I’ll place it in with my other ones that have a definable animal pattern within their swirling. I like marbles like this. Animal pattern marbles could be a great show and tell thread for someone to start.
  12. I look at this one and other than the Playboy Bunny, Peltier comes to mind but I’m unsure. Any help is welcome measures 0.59” inches.
  13. Thank you for the input. Yes the yellow blue one is super nice. I have a bunch of Akro corks in the same color. The blue on teal (guessing on color name here) one has a similar pattern as the yellow blue one but it twist towards the left vs the right. I’ve seen people sell ones like the red and the yellow marble as Akro Cherry or Lemon Ade type swirls but I’m not convinced of that as their correct ID…thought I would run it by y’all.
  14. Akro? Alley? Any help is appreciated thanks!
  15. In hand it’s easy to see these aren’t Jabo
  16. After going back and forth to the Peltier Website I think clear base dragon is out. But there’s a transparent Christmas Tree swirl that looks a lot like the second marble. The first one I thought it was a CAC at first with the vivid colors but the transparent base is throwing me off.
  17. I think these are clear base Peltier Dragon type swirls but with Peltier my knowledge is limited right now so any help is welcome.
  18. Wow thank you everyone I really appreciate the information. It’s a really nice marble I ended up with two of them this one is the better one condition wise the other one is bigger and has some slight surface wear. I appreciate y’all’s time.
  19. Thanks for your time and input. This is a single Pontil slag type marble. I think some people call them transitional and others say these are a gathered marble. Either way it’s a great marble that I have very little info on who the possible maker is. I’m guessing these are difficult to decipher. I appreciate any tidbits or info that would help here. The Marble measures 0.66” inches in diameter at its widest points.
  20. I have a group of lighter blue Vitros just like the first and third marbles. I think Vitro on these
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