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Everything posted by Gladys

  1. Gladys


    WOW!! Thank you! pretty cool!
  2. Gladys


    contemporary? either that or messed up 1/2 Akro cork / pelt zebra LOL come on Fire!!
  3. Very Nice♥ so pretty altogether like this♥ I like ID and the archives section , amazing history!!
  4. Gorgeous ♥ Is this part of Alley opal Lady thing? sorry forgot the name! LOL
  5. I tried to take good pictures of this mib! black to the eye, but translucent!
  6. These are so darn cute!! do I see a Pelt patch and Superman in there? Wow so happy I got to see these! Thank you! for sharing
  7. Happy Memorial Day MK Monday♥ Is it wrong that the 1st mib reminds me of pretzel salad? lol ! ( just made had some LOL)
  8. Thank you! Art! I never heard of a cloud type before I will have to look that up ! Thank you!
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