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Everything posted by Gladys

  1. I didn't either? still can't find a seam! I did look online and found some similar ones to this one, I had know idea they came in so many different forms! Thank you Ric
  2. Thank You! I never saw this color before . looks like an older color?
  3. WOW! I think it's my 1st one!!!! Yah!! Thank you!!!
  4. I lov it! 1st one leaning towards Vitro not sure just going by colors I have a difficult time with seams ! sorry
  5. Happy MK Monday♥ I think this is MK playing marble? small one .56
  6. Thanks Steph! I am so happy I didn't leave that spot! I was very lucky !
  7. OMG I was thinking the same thing!! LOL
  8. Images for JR Lonestar glassworks marbles ..................oops that is your MArble!!! LOL!! sorry thought I found something!!
  9. Art's Post Show your Cats eyes---or other pets--LOL It will be fun he says !!.... Me: A chance to for a April Fools joke ! I will try to make a Giant Cat's eye w/ this 2.33 clear MIB! and a small Cat behind it! Great Idea right! in the sun! several attempts made! ME : I smell smoke ? someone must be burning leaves? OOPS!!!!! LOL!! No cats or pets where harmed during this photo shoot!! LOL Lesson learned!! Thank you Art! as you say marble-on!!
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