O.K. !.....for now I.. will keep them with Vitro ,so I can find them later!...LOL Thank you so much for all your help! that was interesting! learn on here everyday!
Hi Ric I backlit the other marbles in ? 2 of them where red base glass and 3 where clear but hard to see through ? could the 2 red ones be Vitro, and the others maybe Jabo ? I just posted some picture of the red base glass! terrible pic's but wanted to put that info out there!
O.K. I back lit them ,3 of them where hard to see through just cracks / but 2 of them are red base glass!! , they are different marbles?.... maybe 2 are Vitro and 3 are Jabo? wouldn't that be neat!
Thank you Ric! I think they are so cute♥ they always look like they just did something wrong! LOL and then cracking up about it!( yeah I got to get a life! LOL)
HI ! Ron , Thank you so much for taking your time helping, they all do have 2 seams ( see the one in the middle Picture.) the seams can be felt ,they are like indent ? maybe they are foreign mibs? thank you again!
5/8's I believe, I am looking through old picture folders and found them ! nice to finally know what they are! now I just have to find them again!! LOL Thank you Ric!