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Everything posted by Gladys

  1. Gladys

    3 for ID

    Pretty♥ I am going to say MK?
  2. Happy Happy JOY JOY!! nice!
  3. Ron I would love to come visit your museum one day♥
  4. Thank you for sharing this comparison ! i am going to try to get in the sun today! yah!! beautiful marble !!!!
  5. I don't have Akros like this!!!! WOW love them!
  6. Wow ! Thank you so much! boy do I have a lot to learn!
  7. Oh Yes !! that is what is so mysterious about it ! I will try and get better pictures of it soon! Thank you
  8. I Just got these poor bruisers!! in a online auction Lot of mibs they also came with some mibs I do not recognize? can't tell if very old or foreign a post below! Thank you! pic 2,3,4 same marble size .87 any thoughts?
  9. Amazing! 2 on a quarter! so cute!!!
  10. Beautiful♥ and if I had Tiger or Superboy like that! never part with them to pretty! but good luck , can't wait to see more pic's! Thank you for sharing
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