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Everything posted by Gladys

  1. hopefully I not wrong on the 1st one but I think the second one to the right could be Akro? Some one will correct me if I am wrong!......... I will be shamed!!!
  2. This one is Vitro not sure if it's a true Vitro helmet? maybe a half helmet, if there is such a thing, I think a true helmet the glass is clear but this is a Vitro♥
  3. I think this is a Alley swirl this is not ox-blood ox blood is opaque it will look almost painted on I will post a couple examples
  4. I am going out on a limb and say Slag marble, not sure what maker. it's pretty
  5. 1. Peltier rainbo 2. Vitro 3. cat eye maybe Vitro 4. ? 5. Akro cork screw not sure if it's a snake? 6. Alley 7. ? and 8. ? I tried , some one else will name them all I am sure that rainbo is very pretty!
  6. I found them on Vitro!! to!
  7. I had to back light this marble appears black. Back lit you can see it is green base ,not sure where the blue is coming from? and there are specs in it! Thank you in advance
  8. HI ! It was me I put up a marble looks just like this one so it is a pretty Alley but not a pistachio! Ron was kind enough to show the difference I put the link to the topic you where referring to : https://marbleconnection.com/uploads/monthly_2021_08/1029695348_Dannyssistersville047.jpg.b2a4719e9638d5191f90632f3ae0548c.jpg
  9. Thank you so much! I think I might have to try one!!
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