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Everything posted by Gladys

  1. odd indeed it looks fake in hand! thank you
  2. no! come on! how? you mean I missed that holy crap!! are you sure!
  3. WoW! that's amazing! so much history in these little mibs! how you remember all that is incredible! I am going to give the swirls a go I guess! I still do not have the others down yet!! oh my so much to learn and so little time! Thank you once again Ron.
  4. Thank you ! it's petrified wood!
  5. Hi Ron, beautiful marbles! ....I have a ?. left 3rd one down, that arm or snot thing I have marbles that have that, is that a seam thing to determine the maker? I know very little about swirls. Thank you in advance!
  6. you got to watch those Dino's they can turn quick! lol love the display's and of course those beautiful Marbles♥
  7. Anyone?please I.D. Vitro 8 fingers? size .65 yes/no Thank you!
  8. SO pretty! i will have to shine the light on mine! Thank you
  9. This is just a messed up Peltier multi colored swirl right?
  10. Very peaceful♥ thank you for sharing
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