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Everything posted by moremarbles4me

  1. Regardless of where it came from it's a really nice example and I would say very hard to find. Charles
  2. I may be mistaken but were'nt some of the marbles in the original post dug up during the last dig at Akro? Charles
  3. I would have thought with the way the economy/jobs are at this time alot of nice marbles would hit the market. Just the opposite has happened. As someone else stated people have hunkered down. My work is slow(carpenter) but I'm not selling out of my collection either. Lets face it if you have some really nice marbles that you thought of upgrading but you can't afford to buy better ones you are going to keep what you already have. The economy, jobs collectibles everything runs in cycles. Just my two cents. Charles
  4. Very nice marble, I have seen very few over the years. Charles
  5. Thanks for looking, starting this Sunday evening I will be listing part of a Akro collection. Charles the2cees
  6. The pearlized patches are a hard marble to come by especially if you want one without fractures. Charles
  7. Only six days left for the special room rate, call today!! Charles
  8. To set the record straight I am not related to Bob. LOL I do appreciate your bumping my plug though. Charles
  9. Forty tables have been reserved at this time. Better call Craig and get yours. Charles
  10. I think the use of the word "professional" on marble boxes was a sales pitch. It probably gave the kid a sense of pride to have "professional" marbles. If you look in Blocks book "Collecting Early Machine Made Marbles" pages 144 and 148 you will find a couple of examples of Albright labels on CA boxes. Charles
  11. Brad, I seen them at shows and sold a few on ebay a long time back. $10-20 Charles
  12. Brad, I think that marble is called a Peltier Bloody Mary. Charles
  13. Just a reminder it will be show time before we know it. Hope to se you there. Charles Kansas City Marble Show Sunday March 8th 2009 9:00-3:00 Double Tree Hotel($79 single room rate) 10100 College Blvd Overland Park, KS 913/323-1903 (mention KC Marble Collectors for group rate) For table reservations call Craig Snider 913/268-9616 or visit our clubs website for more information. Kansas City Marble Club
  14. Nice pictures of some killer mibs! Charles
  15. We've had lots of new marble talk how about some old marble pictures. Thanks for looking Charles
  16. I have some handmades listed this week along with some Jabo Special Run Boxes. Thanks for looking Charles the2cees
  17. Here's a few examples of this weeks listings. Thanks for looking Charles the2cees
  18. Marblemiser, it would take this many Pelt peewees to fill that box. LOL Charles
  19. From the sounds of it I can put just about any type of peltier rainbo in this box that I want. The problem I have is I've been saving groups of "special" rainbos in groups of five. This box takes groups of six. Back to the hunt. LOL Thanks for everyones input Charles
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