I got me one of those mysterious Pelt winshield marbles today in the mail. Excellent marble. The base of course is clear, I mean crystal clear. the band wrapping the marble is yellowish orange with a touch of red. I like it so well that I'm working on a deal to get enough to backfill a Pelt jobber box that I got in the mail today. Thanks John.
Some background on the marbles and how they got thier name. My friend ran a newspaper ad years ago in central IL. A former Peltier factory worker contacted him about the ad. Long story short several coffee cans of marbles were purchased from this employee. In this can were Pelt honey onyx, clear rainbos, two color clear rainbos(experimental never sold to the public, I showed a picture of mine a few weeks back) and several other experimental types one of which is this windshield marble. The emplyee is the one that called this a windshield marble because of the window in the center of the marble.
Hope this answers some questions about this marble.