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Everything posted by moremarbles4me

  1. Scott, how many different types/styles of medals did you make? How many total do you think you made and what did you sell them for originally? Charles
  2. Not me I'm going to the Madison WI show next weekend, much shorter drive only eight hours. LOL Charles
  3. I brought this subject up about a month ago when Ebay first announced this new policy but I did'nt get much response. The simple answer is for sellers to raise their prices on shipping. The question is how much do you have to raise it to cover your butt. LOL A seller would have to adjust the shipping price for every auction he/she lists based on what they think the final selling price would be. They are forcing sellers to insure every item sold on Ebay even if the buyer would not want insurance on a $10 win. Pay Pal gets a cut from these increased shipping fees. It may not sound like they would make alot but over a years time it's a chunk of change. Charles
  4. I finally took a picture of my box like the one in the ad. It is not a big box by any means 8 3/4" by 3 1/2" Charles
  5. I already asked if it was old or not and this is his/her reply: hello and thanks for the mail i have the marble only half year - i get the marble from man in lauscha thüringen - sorry i am not expert on marble and also the age i can not say - is it looking very interesting and unigue and not destory and not too mutch play or use also the color in original better looking the photo is not easy to make thanks for interest nangijala777
  6. Thanks for the quick responses, I think it was Charles Gibson. Charles
  7. I'm planning on donating this marble to a local charity auction and I can't remember who made it. LOL Help! 2 1/4" Thanks Charles
  8. Steph they could be yours providing that you out bid me for them. LOL Charles
  9. The first run was made Jan 9 02 and the second run was made on May 2 02. I have a marble from the second run listed on Ebay now. Charles the2cees I can't get the link to work for some reason
  10. Sometimes I find the same look on old handmades. Charles
  11. I agree with John it is putting the responsibility on the seller. I don't charge any handling fees, I charge $3 with delivery confirmation to ship a marble in a box. Believe me I'm not making any money on shipping. I give folks the option on insurance up to $100 ending price then I require it. If buyers are not given the option to buy insurance and a marble is lost/stolen then they are going to expect the seller to cover it. If they opt out then it's on them. I have a feeling shipping fees are going to take a big jump when this goes into effect. Charles
  12. Has any one read the shipping/insurance policy Ebay is going to put in effect the later part of next month? The way I understand it a seller may no longer charge for insurance. It must be included in the shipping/handling fees. Charles
  13. Bo, I appreciate your thoughts on this marble. Steph thanks for posting it over at GA I never thought of doing that. Edna I was hoping you would have the answer. LOL Thanks guys! Charles
  14. I think the orange/black/white base marble is a variation of a rebel with no special name. It's a killer inhand. Thanks for asking. Charles
  15. Anybody know the maker of this marble. The signiture looks like JC or maybe Jr? It measures a little over 1 1/16". Thanks in advance Charles
  16. I did'nt measure this marble but it was over 1". Charles
  17. A friend of mine brought this over today for me to look at. I took some pictures of it because I thought you folks would get a kick out of it. The figure is a dog, I could'nt get a clear picture of it. Charles
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