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Everything posted by Akro75

  1. Ahh…yes…! Ron had one in his collection, must have been special! thank you
  2. Big game marbles at that… 7/8” , it was mixed with those and other vitro’s.
  3. Any idea on who this Jobber box is attributed to? I was thinking Vitro. It measures 9x6
  4. Such sad news, condolences to family and friends, a huge loss to the marble community.
  5. The other day I posted thinking it was a CAC coral, I should have put the alley coral side by side like I am now, I don’t know why I thought that color was coral! But it is yellow/orange, so 7 Up???..I mean Mountain Dew?
  6. Ok, here are a few in natural light
  7. It’s really hard to get a good pic, here are a few with no back lighting, I think is very similar to your last 3 pics color wise, almost greenish yellowish, kinda murky glass. I will try tomorrow in natural light.
  8. Another site mentioned could be a sea foam? It’s 5/8…I have no idea…. Greenish/yellow ish base glass, powder blue ribbons, pic 2 and 7 back lit
  9. I can see a CAC only by a possible seam in pic 4 down…but still a wee bit blurry
  10. Slag Akro, swirl Alley, maybe a flame hard to see at least 5 tips..maybe a smoldering flame? Lol
  11. Akro75


    I think a pelt as well, do you know of a collectors name?
  12. The green swirl with blue base glass is the base glass opaque?
  13. I will take another pic tomorrow, less light. It is a real wispy marble, and it actually does not glow.
  14. Going to need a bump here, any ideas?
  15. Comes in at 3/4… amber glass, creamy white strands inside and out, however no seam…so just a random WV?
  16. Akro75


    1 angle looks pelt, 5/8 greenish tinted glass, white glass inside and out..2nd pic backlit,..though a lot of white coverage as well..any ideas? 2nd to last pic makes me question it…Thanks!
  17. Come in at just over 5/8 kinda sea green glass, wispy white strands..Alley I assume or maybe Heaton? 2nd pic backlit
  18. Akro75

    5/8 WVS

    Could be Alox… very similar characteristics..
  19. Color combo like you said Akro….but I’m getting a foreign vibe…. Especially with that short thin ribbon.
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