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Everything posted by copemys

  1. copemys


    Here are three images showing different views of the three formats of these marble king cat's eyes.
  2. copemys


    Looks like one. I have a few different styles in non standard formats.
  3. Marbles refer to the loose mineral deposits which develop in a water heater. If your water heater rumbles, and shakes, you have marbles which act as boiling chips.
  4. It's available for trade if you are interested, Kevin.
  5. Here's the Bryan watch I mentioned a while back. I finally dug it out. It is an 18 size incomplete duplex movement Knickerbocker (N.Y. Stanbdard) watch co (1890-1930) As an aside, my maternal grandmother worked knocking on door for Bryan in Kansas.
  6. If it had more colors, it might look like the WVMC run.
  7. I think DAS like they said in the the description. Sort of a half ram. Blue
  8. Actually I think it's quartz with tourmaline inclusions. Rutile is a golden color.
  9. It's hard to tell. It looks like a piece of native metal with some ?calcite inclusions. Try using a file on a small corner to see if it leaves a metallic surface. I have a chunk of native copper which has a similar appearance.
  10. Cool!!! I have a Bryan pocket watch, bur never seen a cane.
  11. Now we know what happens to all those CRTs we discard.
  12. Banded iron formation. BIF. iron oxides, chert and tiger eye.
  13. They look like Marble Kings to me. Kevin
  14. i would agree. Kevin
  15. I got these a while ago, and I assumed they were some sort of Imperial, or other non American marbles. The striped one in the group of large marbles at the lower right seems different. Not just the the full coverage, but also it has a fairly irregular surface. The group of smaller 5/8 ish were in the same jar, and seem similar to the 1" group. Thanks for any input, Kevin
  16. here are some champions with low light.
  17. It does have a polished faceted pontil. It is shown in the first image, though only one facet is reflecting.
  18. Does this guy fit into the same group?
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