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Everything posted by Carowill

  1. Sure looks like a 3 color corkscrew. Nice one!
  2. Something just isn’t quite right for Peltier, IMHO. It does look like possible oxblood, like Chad said.
  3. Thank you! Blessed to be able to purchase some amazing mibs in the past!
  4. I’ll put Jeff in my prayers.
  5. Blue Lace IMHO. I have 4 and only 1has a fracture.
  6. I’m thinking Vitro, as well.
  7. Outstanding score, Joep!!
  8. Welcome aboard!! A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Just keep learning from these sites and you will be surprised how much you grow in no time at all.
  9. Welcome to the Marble Connection! Glad you found us.
  10. Carowill

    ID Please

    Agree with Ravenswood IMHO. Alley and Champion made similar examples.
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