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Everything posted by Carowill

  1. My vote is an auger, not a snake. A snake is a corkscrew just under the surface and an auger travels deeply towards the center of the marble. Just like a porthole auger.
  2. Mo “Laying in wait.” Cocker spaniel.
  3. I’d say Alley for first, then Ravenswood second and third and then Alley for the last two.
  4. Great mib! Rare to find a mint limeade oxblood, but really rare to be >3/4”.
  5. I’m leaning slag on this one.
  6. Leaning Akro as well. Not aware of 1” PPPs.
  7. With 4 colors and some additional white, Vitro Parrot IMHO.
  8. Welcome to the Marble Connection! Glad you are officially on board.
  9. I’m thinking Heaton too.
  10. Agree with Chad about Alley, outside chance a Champion.
  11. I would echo Art’s remarks. I personally would not polish any marbles today, but early on I did polish a few.
  12. Welcome to the Marble Connection! Looking forward to seeing some of your mibs posted.
  13. Ravenswood IMHO. Alley an outside possibility.
  14. Possibly Heaton. Let’s see what others think.
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