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Everything posted by Carowill

  1. Is this mint for mint? How good is the pattern on the trade? Any aventurine?
  2. Fortunate to find at the Des Moines show this year!
  3. Welcome! Those are some really beautiful marbles in your collection!
  4. Feathering looks Peltier to me.
  5. Being red, not MFC. Akro IMHO.
  6. Not CAC IMO. Not sure it’s a slag from what I can see.
  7. I’m going with Peltier as well.
  8. Well said! You have to be educated to do consistently well on EBay but there are plenty of “finds” for the prepared buyer.
  9. Photo of my view from May 17th of this year. Just add snow to the landscape.
  10. Our view includes 12-14’ers above Rocky Mountain National Park and Estes Park about 40-50 miles south.
  11. I’m 17 miles northeast of Livermore at 7500 feet. We have at least a foot of snow on the ground and 2-3 foot drifts. Currently 3 degrees and nightfall is coming with zero degrees expected overnight. It won’t get above freezing until Tuesday afternoon. Needless to say, I didn’t go anywhere today. Thankfully I have a 54 hp tractor to help out, but still drifting in.
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