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Everything posted by Carowill

  1. I could see an MCS gone a bit wonky, Tommy.
  2. Welcome to The Marble Connection!
  3. Carowill


    This Wolverine is definitely not a “peewee!”
  4. Definitely “loved” by someone or as they say in Texas, “They were rode hard and put up wet!” I don’t see any mica, but with that surface wear, hard to be absolute about that.
  5. Carowill


    I can see a Rainbo here.
  6. Carowill

    2x Master

    Master x 2 IMO.
  7. Carowill


    Bottom two on the last picture look like torch marbles with black marks on centers of the colored spots.
  8. Agree. Right looks Alley to me.
  9. Not that I am aware of. If there is, I’ll be in line to purchase a copy!
  10. IMHO, it’s either Alley or Ravenswood. Many are a toss up between the two. Ravenswood is known for having a “racing stripe” in clear swirls , frequently 9/16”, having folds and twists and dives to the ribbons like worm holes. Swirls tend to cover more surface of the marble and a “wadded up” appearance to the swirl.
  11. Are you asking it the marble is a Ravenswood or if it is a Ravenswood Raven? Definitely not a Raven but more pictures would help regarding if it is a Ravenswood.
  12. Never had the privilege of meeting Ron Shepherd, but such an incredible marble resource!! He was so unselfish about sharing his infinite knowledge with others. My condolences to his family.
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