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Everything posted by Carowill

  1. I would not disagree with you, however, your thinking and your purchase patterns change as you collect over time. Eventually, it’s quality over quantity.
  2. Note, there are zero feedbacks. That alone is a big red flag!
  3. Are you in the middle or on the right?
  4. No one wants your marble to be a reproduction Guinea. We would love to see you get a great find in the wild!
  5. Agree with Alan’s philosophy on marbles. You try to get everything as a newbie, but you will become much more discriminating with time.
  6. Guineas rarely came in 3/4” size. Usually you see more stretching of the colors and no dark spots in the centers of the color specks in true Guineas. You need to look at a lot of true CAC marbles to appreciate the difference with the many copycats, as they are heavily copied.
  7. If it has white, it can’t be a type 2. It looks like white on one pole.
  8. I would put it with my CACs.
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